Failure in browser_ui/8_monitor/alert_management/alert_with_escalation_policy_spec.rb | Monitor Alert with escalation policy notifies on-call user via system note and email on new alert
Full description
Monitor Alert with escalation policy notifies on-call user via system note and email on new alert
File path
Stack trace
Failure/Error: expect { email_subjects }.to eventually_include(alert_email_subject).within(max_duration: 60)
Wait failed after 60 seconds:
expected to eventually include: "project-for-alert-0dd6b712260282e6 | Alert: Et est id sunt."
last attempt was: ["pipeline-status-project-a6f269cbd509cf2b | Successful pipeline for main | c97df38e", "pipeline-stat...the gitlab-qa-sandbox-group-1 group was granted", "Access to the GitLab Instance group was granted"]
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