Extracting mappings (package slug -> source URL) from Gemnasium Postgres DB
Problem to solve
Due to the elimination of the Gemnasium Client/Server architecture, analyzers leverage the gemnasium-db repo directly instead of connecting to the Gemnasium API. Due to this change, the Gemnasium Postgres DB will become obsolete in the near future.
However, some information contained in the Gemnasium Postgres DB database is still valuable. One piece of information that would be useful with respect to advisory generation is the mapping between package-slugs and their source location/URL (e.g., on GitHub).
Intended users
For the use-case of extracting a mapping from package-slugs to their source location, a SQL dump from Gemnasium Postgres DB that contains this information would be sufficient. For solving this problem, we do not need to keep the Gemnasium architecture (including the package sync jobs) alive as we would not gain any new information by doing so: the package registries are lazily mirrored (based on package usage); as the Gemnasium-API won't be used anymore, there won't be any newly added packages and, thus, no newly learned mappings.
The purpose of the SQL dump would be to bootstrap a source URL map (similar to our CPE Map) that keeps track of the relation between packages and their source location.