2019-12-10 Newly created unlabelled issues requiring initial triage
Hi Triage Team,
Here is a list of the latest issues without labels in the project.
In accordance with the Partial triage guidelines, we would like to ask you to:
- Check for duplicates in this project and others (it is common for issues reported in EE to already exist in CE).
- Add a type label.
- If identified as a bug, add a severity label.
- If the severity is ~S1 or ~S2, mention relevant PM/EMs from the relevant stage group from product devstages categories.
- Add a group label.
- Add a stage label.
- Add relevant category and facet labels to facilitate automatic addition of stage and group labels.
- If needed, mention relevant domain experts if the issue requires further attention.
For the issues triaged please check off the box in front of the given issue.
Once you've triaged all the issues assigned to you, you can unassign yourself with the /unassign me
quick action.
When all the checkboxes are done, close the issue, and celebrate!
- #39142 Indicate which merge requests could use the logged-in user's approval (based on required approvers on the MR)
- #39137 (closed) Groups search in header not responding to existing groups
- #39115 (closed) Protected branches: match the most specific pattern
- #39102 (closed) Fetching artifact within the merge request is failing using expose_as
- #39094 (moved) Artifacts preview of filenames with urlencoded characters gives 404 (not found)
- #39076 (closed) Environments with slash not shown on Environments Dashboard
- #39073 (closed) Fail to SSH to self-hosted GitLab service because /var/lib/gitlab/.ssh/authorized_keys isn't updated
- #39072 Glob support for artifacts:expose_as
- #39064 Proper syntax highlighting for RMarkdown documents
- #39059 (closed) I can't get result when search the members from 'Project members bar' using one or two letters.
- #39056 (closed) Mr.
- #39055 (closed) Mr.
- #39054 (confidential) ~"(confidential)"
- #39052 (closed) Move existing projects to parent project
- #39045 CheckList items become ToDo items
- #39043 (closed) gitlab-foss fails to build while installing rugged
- #39041 (closed) Docs feedback: some command line not working
- #39040 (closed) Custom instance-wide bot accounts
- #38544 Statistics and permissions sections in groups/../projects API is not available
- #38543 Include statistics section in project API for public projects
- #38407 (closed) Allow reviewers to add comments to a review on the discussion tab
- #38349 (closed) Use variables or rules with interruptible
- #38342 (closed) Wrong Repo Size Shown in Gitlab.com
- #38337 (closed) Support providing a (set of?) URL(s) from a job to render as an external link in the job view
- #38330 (closed) Accepting merge though API has no effect and no error (possible interaction with "merge_when_pipeline_succeeds")
- #38328 (closed) Are there any plans in to more more towards a gitops deployment flow for kuberenetes
- #38326 (closed) Miirror a branch in Gitlab to pull automatically form a branch in BitBucket
- #38324 (closed) "Initialize repository with a README" is ignored
- #38322 Add full set of Creative Commons licenses as both templates and selection
- #38321 (closed) 500 Error when login in via Google Auth
- #38316 (closed) Docs feedback: The "Releases" page does not explain including git submodules