I've exported one of my existing GitLab projects "ise-db" & am trying to create a new project named "mca-db" by importing it, but I get "Namespace is not valid". I've done this many times before & it's worked fine.
Which Group/Project (with full path) is experiencing the issue?
@tipping Thanks for the report. I was unable to reproduce following the steps provided so there must be something else at play to cause the unexpected behaviour. I will move this to the product issue tracker for further investigation
NOTE2: I just update to 12.5.4-ee then Export project and went to gitlab.com to import it.
and git same problem "Project could not be imported: Namespace is not valid".
I too experienced same issue with GitLab Enterprise Edition 12.6.0-ee,
I exported project and moved to gitlab.com but ended with Namespace not valid error message.
Same here. Exporting a project from our GitLab Community Edition v12.4.3 and trying to import to GitLab.com leads to the same ‘Namespace is not valid’ error.
I have the same problem. Is there a problem regarding the export or is it a gitlab problem?
I am using an export from version 11.11.3. I have imported this successfully before.
I have also tried to export from Gitlab.com and upload back and it is not working. It seems that there is a problem with importing functionality.
I'm going to have to claim dumbness here, I didn't see any namespace options when exporting, where is this? What is a namespace in Gitlab? I have checked again, there are no options when exporting, just an export button.
Thanks for the hint, @adplify. However it took some time to figure out how it works.
In my case, the exported file has the name 2018-12-30_21-42-141_A80803928_apple_phenology_mode_export.tar.gz. I first had to create a new group called a80803928 and then import the project as apple_phenology_mode into this group.
However, some month ago I was able to import a similar project (exported from the same company gitlab source) without creating the group.
I have no such code as part of my tar export filename, I have no groups (apart from test one I just created to try it out) and the project is, as far as I know not part of a group.
I've just created a group, invited this group to the old project, and now trying a re-import. I'll report back if that works. As far as I can tell from what you said, my username should have been sufficient since I was a maintainer of the old project?
I also was a maintainer of the old project. Since it was on a company git, each user was a group (named a<usrname>). I remember that the url was something like .../a<usrname>/projectname, hence I tried to create a group and import to this group.
I don't understand what you mean by "invited this group to the old project". The following could work:
create a group a_user
after creating the group directly import your *.tar.zip and use driving_sim as Project name and Project slug
Well...I mean I created a group already as you suggested in step 1. And then I "invited" the group to access the old project (I thought maybe on export the group would need to have access to the project to work), so anyone in that group would have access to the old project.
I had the same problem exporting from gitlab.com to gitlab-12.6.4-ee.
After reading the suggestions here I simply tried to use any group to import the project and it worked. So only the group less import is not working.
When doing the QA tests for release 12.6.4, I confirm I could not import a project in my user namespace: I had to import it in a group. Same with release 12.6.3.
But for 12.5.x/12.4.x import in user namespace is working.
Had the same problem today. Imports not working, even for projects that were exported directly from gitlab.com import back into gitlab.com failed with "Namespace is not valid". For me, it worked in the end, even for imports as user.
Steps I did just before it worked:
tried endless times to import projects, exported from 12.6.4 community edition, and from gitlab.com, always errors.
logged out and back in to gitlab.com again (for good measure)
created a group (never had one before)
imported a project into this group (successfully)
import a project into my user
but why...? before trying the group, I also never clicked in the field defining the namespace. I can not state with certainty that is was even there. Or at least I didn't realize it is a field where I can change something by dropdown-meny... can someone who still has the error maybe check it looks identical as in my attached image? The field is marked with a green box by me.
I can confirm that after creating a group, the import works even into the user namespace (under 'GitLab.com/ererkka/'), which did not work before creating the group.
It seems to happen when the user has only one namespace (the user namespace) and isn't part of any groups.
Might be related to !20405 (merged) although it seems to not pass the name and path now, just the namespace_id, which causes the "Namespace is invalid" errors.
As a workaround for now, as mentioned above, you can create a group and then imports should work even under your namespace.
Same issue here, I had a proyect in other account and now I want to import it into this account but I can't without creating a group (I don't want to create a group, just import that project into this account).
Is it possible that this error is due to the user reaching the limit of the number of projects that they are allowed to create? See this issue: #34411 (closed)