In &7546 (closed) we introduced the related epics widget within epics and in #2035 (closed) we introduced the related issues widget within issues.
I cannot find any reasoning for why we limited these widgets to the singular record type. Within epics, we allow both epics and issues to be added as child records.
We should allow users to associate both epics and issues as linked records (related, blocking, blocked by) on epic and issue records.
Additionally, users should be able to link OKR records to both epic and issue records.
@uhlexsis I'm checking with engineering to see the estimated size of this change to legacy epics and issues before considering scheduling the work. QQ - would designs be needed for this or would engineering just follow the pattern already established on the child hierarchy widget on epics? Noting that my question relates to implementation on legacy epics and issues, not work items.
@amandarueda Linking work items based on relationship type (eg; relates_to, blocks, and blocked_by) is unavailable, while on Issuables, only Issues and Epics support it, so to be able to make it fully dynamic where any issuable can be linked to any other issuable is a non-trivial effort, both on frontend and backend, so if we were to implement it, I'd rather insist on building it for Work Items only.
Amanda Ruedachanged title from Related items widget should allow relating of issues and epics to Extend "linked" feature to include more work item types
changed title from Related items widget should allow relating of issues and epics to Extend "linked" feature to include more work item types
Amanda Ruedachanged the descriptionCompare with previous version
Ah, that makes more sense, thanks for the clarification @combech! This issue is specifically related to work items and a milestone isn't currently planned to be transitioned to the work items framework.
@gweaver for the idea of relating one milestone to another. Not sure if there's an open issue for this or if this is something you've heard before?
I see both being useful but was speaking about Milestone to Milestone, on the latter it is likely that you will have many releases / milestones when you are doing things like CD etc. so the data model will be key there e.g many to many for epic <> milestone
@amandarueda I would love the ability to block an issue on an epic and vice versa. I frequently run into this use case in my day-to-day work and am always sad when I can't do it.