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Failure in browser_ui/4_verify/ci_variable/custom_variable_spec.rb | Verify Pipeline with customizable variable manually creates a pipeline and uses the defined custom variable value
Full description
Verify Pipeline with customizable variable manually creates a pipeline and uses the defined custom variable value
File path
Stack trace
Failure/Error: expect(show.output).to have_content(variable_custom_value)
expected to find text "Custom Foo" in "1Running with gitlab-runner 15.4.0 (43b2dc3d) 2 on qa-runner-1666085724 FRp6uCNZ 3 Resolving secrets 00:00 5 Preparing the \"shell\" executor 00:00 6Using Shell executor... 8 Preparing environment 00:00 9Running on e17547857050... 11 Getting source from Git repository 00:01 12Fetching changes with git depth set to 20... 13Initialized empty Git repository in /home/gitlab-runner/builds/FRp6uCNZ/0/gitlab-qa-sandbox-group-3/qa-test-2022-10-18-09-25-40-eaab02fde38f9a8c/project-with-customizable-variable-pipeline-a3b1d118f83575db/.git/ 14Created fresh repository. 15Checking out 012318e8 as main... 16Skipping object checkout, Git LFS is not installed. 17Skipping Git submodules setup 19 Executing \"step_script\" stage of the job script 00:00 20$ echo \"$FOO\" 21Default Foo 23 Cleaning up project directory and file based variables 00:00 25Job succeeded"
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