Refactor project importers / gitlab migration / history to re-use same codebase
At ~"group::import" there are several codebase parts which are important for us
- importers (GitHub, BitBucket, etc.)
- gitlab migration
- history for importers
- history for gitlab migrations
For historical reasons these are organized as different parts of the code (previously even each project importer was different) and this results in additional efforts to implement same functionality important for different parts of the project
Latest examples (which lead to this issue) were Group Migration list - 'To new group' should de... (#354694 - closed) and Importers - Default to the current group when i... (#359130 - closed) however with our increased team efforts towards pushing GitHub importer forward this will be more often:
Cancel group imports (#250347) and Cancel GitHub project imports - frontend (#247325 - closed) (note, that we might definitely want to expand this to other project importers as well)
GitHub Importer - Map GitHub Teams to GitLab du... (#353939) and GitLab Migration - Multi-select group(s) from t... (#267952) (they are actually about selecting thing inside a tree-like structure)
Additionally, I'm pretty sure that from UX perspective we're not happy that we're not creating consistent experience across multiple importers:
- some importers expose pagination (bitbucket), some infinite scroll (github), some expose nothing ( importer)
- we have duplication of displaying completed imports in both importer pages of github and history
- while history page is intended to display imports which are currently in progress, we're missing realtime updates there (applies both to history of project imports and gitlab migration)
- we have re-import in group migration but not in project importers for no good reasons (backend is already capable of doing reimports)
By unifying our codebases we will create consistent experience for our users, greatly decreasing amount of code we should maintain
Why now?
With GitHub importer moving forward we will be implementing several issue mentioned earlier. By considering refactoring in mind this will be great opportunity to meet both results and iteration values - let's assume that will be 20% additional effort if new code will be written with this decision in mind and certain time spent to support this direction
How to proceed
If we decide to go with this approach first of all we will needfigure out expected "general behavior" for all these things (pagination, sorting, etc.). Engineering (both backend and frontend) will contribute with current limitations while our great UX will help us to do it in the sanest possible way. This could be the very first step of the process
After that I will be happy to create issues related to frontend engineering perspective (refactoring several parts) to make sure we have proper visibility of refactorings and making sure that all our refactoring are well aligned with our Deliverable and priorities