Wiki editor and display: allow crosslink shortcut and display
Problem to solve
There is no crosslink shortcut available when authoring the wiki pages. It will be a great feature and provide feature parity comparing to other wiki like tools.
- Group wiki and project wiki page default and rich editor to enable the crosslink short cut for epic, issue, MR, snippet, group and mention (all GitLab allowed crosslink)
- Display the link when crosslink is entered
- Allow the additional operation added such as + after to display the title of the crosslink item
- Display the crosslink properly on the page (title and URL etc)
Current behavior
- You can use URL links directly but not shortcut like
# ! @
- You cannot mention users
Documentation (remove if not applicable)
Update crosslink doc for wiki usage
Success Criteria
- On group and project wiki default and rich editor, allow crosslink shortcut for all crosslink items from epic, issue, MR, snippet, to mentions (group and users)
- Display crosslink properly on the wiki page