Sidekiq Execution Apdex: slow jobs for Ci::ExternalPullRequests::CreatePipelineWorker
As a part of investigating our error budget we would like to look into the slow requests for Ci::ExternalPullRequests::CreatePipelineWorker
Enpoint | 7days average | User Impact |
Ci::ExternalPullRequests::CreatePipelineWorker | Is there a user impact? |
Description | Issue link |
GroupDestroyWorker failure - ci_pipeline_variables (reassigned to ~"group::workspace") | |
Sidekiq Execution Apdex: slow jobs for Ci::ExternalPullRequests::CreatePipelineWorker |
Puma Errors: failing requests for GraphqlController#execute | #349973 (closed) |
Puma Apdex: slow requests GET /api/:version/projects/:id/ci/lint | #349971 (closed) |
Puma Errors: failing requests for GET /api/:version/projects/:id/ci/lint | #349972 (closed) |
Puma Errors: failing requests for Projects::Ci::LintsController#create | #349974 (closed) |
Puma Errors: failing requests Projects::Ci::PipelineEditorController#show | #349975 (closed) |
Puma Apdex: slow requests GET /api/:version/projects/:id/variables | #349970 (closed) |
Puma Apdex: slow requests for GET /api/:version/projects/:id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/variables | #349969 (closed) |
Puma Apdex: slow requests for GraphqlController#execute: getCiConfigData and getPipeline | #349968 (closed) |
Puma Apdex: failing requests for GraphqlController#execute: getCiConfigData - conversion exceptions | #362547 |
Edited by Mark Nuzzo