Remove framework column from project_compliance_framework_settings
- Drop the
column fromproject_compliance_framework_settings
It has been ignored since %13.5 and is safe to drop as per the documentation.
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- Max Woolf added database groupcompliance maintenancerefactor sectiondev labels
added database groupcompliance maintenancerefactor sectiondev labels
- Max Woolf set weight to 1
set weight to 1
- Max Woolf added workflowscheduling label
added workflowscheduling label
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@mwoolf nice, I just added this into our ~"technical debt" allocation for %14.2
- Dan Jensen mentioned in issue gitlab-org/manage/general-discussion#17353
mentioned in issue gitlab-org/manage/general-discussion#17353
- Maintainer
Setting label(s) devopsmanage based on groupcompliance.
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added devopsmanage label
added devopsmanage label
- Max Woolf added workflowin dev label and removed workflowscheduling label
added workflowin dev label and removed workflowscheduling label
- Max Woolf mentioned in merge request !65546 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !65546 (merged)
MR open and workflowin review
- Max Woolf added workflowin review label and removed workflowin dev label
added workflowin review label and removed workflowin dev label
- Max Woolf added workflowverification label and removed workflowin review label
added workflowverification label and removed workflowin review label
- Max Woolf changed health status to on track
changed health status to on track
- Max Woolf added workflowin review label and removed workflowverification label
added workflowin review label and removed workflowverification label
Merged. Moving to workflowverification.
- Max Woolf added workflowverification label and removed workflowin review label
added workflowverification label and removed workflowin review label
- Max Woolf closed