Add ability to re-import a relation
Problem definition
Due to the distributed architecture of Github importer, each Github object is imported on its own background job. This is a great way to concurrently import multiple objects. Though, it might happen that only one job fail due to outside problems like networking, database, etc.
Proposed solution
To avoid having to run the whole Github import again if just one relation is missing, would be nice to have a way to re-import only one Github object. Besides mitigating the need to re-import a whole Github import in the case one object is missing, this feature would also make debugging easier, since we would be able to reproduce errors for just one object without having to import the whole project.
To follow the iteration value
- Add the re-import object as a
rake task
feature: this would give us the ability to test the feature and create the base code to be extended later to a user interface; - Add the re-import object as an API endpoint;
- Add the re-import object to the Github Importer UI;