Fetch new upstream contents when fork is behind
In %15.11 we are releasing this feature here together with Allow users to merge from a forked repository (#384166 - closed).
Release notes
Managing your fork just got easier. When your fork is behind, select Update fork to catch it up with upstream changes. When your fork is ahead, select Create merge request to contribute your change back to the upstream project. Both operations previously required you to use the command line.
See how many commits your fork is ahead (or behind) on your project's main page and at Repository > Files. If merge conflicts exist, the UI gives guidance on how to resolve them using Git from the command line.
Problem to solve
In order to keep my fork up to date, I have to merge contents from the upstream. Without this feature here, this can only be done on the command line and is very manual and time-consuming. It is difficult for users that are inexperienced with git.
This issue here creates a "sync" button according to the logic below on each branch of the fork allowing users to update their branch with new commits from the upstream project's main branch.
There should be a rate limit of 6 sync requests per hour per branch, to prevent resource-intensive misuse.
UI change
To help users understand which branch they are syncing from we should display the branch of the upstream repository in the fork widget.
For example, display Gitlab Org / Gitlab Shell : main
instead of Gitlab Org / Gitlab Shell
Scenario 1: Sync when 10 commits behind upstream
Performs fast-forward merge and upon completion, an alert is shown to indicate sync success.
Scenario 2: Sync when 2 commits ahead, 10 commits behind upstream
Performs fast-forward merge and upon completion, an alert is shown to indicate sync success.
Scenario 3: Sync when 2 commits ahead, 10 commits behind upstream (conflicts)
When there is a merge conflict with the upstream, we would require the user to manually resolve the conflict. We provide the steps on how to do this in a modal.
Modal for resolving conflicts
Discussion reference: #330243[3_-_overview_conflict.png] (comment 1285330696)
Resolve merge conflicts manually
The upstream changes could not be synchronised to this project due to file conflicts. You must resolve the conflicts manually:
Step 1. Fetch the latest changes from the upstream repository's default branch:
git fetch <source-url> <source-default-branch>
Step 2. Check out to a new branch, and merge the changes from the upstream project's default branch. You likely need to resolve conflicts during this step.
git checkout <current-branch-name>
git merge FETCH_HEAD
Step 3. Push the updates to remote:
git commit
git push
Scenario 4: Rate limited
When the user hits the limit of syncs per branch per hour then we replace the Sync button with the text "Limit of 6 sync requests/hr reached".
Alternative approaches users can take
Described in https://forum.gitlab.com/t/refreshing-a-fork/32469/2?u=dnsmichi
Local sync with a cloned fork on the CLI
git remote add upstream https://gitlab.com/upstream_user_group/project.git || true && git fetch upstream && git checkout main && git pull upstream main && git push origin main
Repository mirroring (Pull)
Use the upstream repository as source. That's a Premium+ feature.
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/repository_mirroring.html#pulling-from-a-remote-repository
- https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/repository/forking_workflow.html#repository-mirroring
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Availability and Testing
New E2E test to update a branch of a fork with new commits from upstream using the new "Sync" button required (created gitlab-org/quality/quality-engineering/team-tasks#1610).