Specific member of group not able to access project that has given access to group
Gitlab FOSS 12.3.1
I have a specific user that is part of the "permission/gash_rw" group, as Developer. I have various projects under the "qa/pyshl/*" namespace.
The group "permission/gash_rw" is a member of a "qa/pyshl/pre-commit-pyshl" project, with Developer permissions, similarly, for the project "qa/pyshl/model".
The "permission/gash_rw" has about 700 members and I verified randomly that members of that group are able to access both the "qa/pyshl/pre-commit-pyshl" and "qa/pyshl/model" project, except for (so far I could find) a single user.
When impersonating a random other user of the 'gash_rw' group, the "qa/pyshl/pre-commit-pyshl" project shows up as expected.
This specific account is active, not blocked. There are no error logs whatsoever in sidekiq/unicorn.
When I retrieve the user list for the project through the API the user IS listed.
eg, https://host/api/v4/projects/135/members/all?per_page=100&page=10
{"id":1497,"name":"Varshini XXX"username":"varshinm","state":"active","avatar_url":"https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/xxxx","web_url":"https://example/varshinm","access_level":30,"expires_at":null},
gives an empty list. (request was authenticated as admin)
Thank you.