Robocopy exit alwsy with status code 1 and hence failing the job even if with all success
I have created pretty simple CI job with shell runner, so when i am executing simple robocopy with mirror copy, Its always returning exit code as 1 and triggering failed job
Anyone have solution for this to always return success job, i have already tried xcopy but in my case it will not work as i want to delete the folders also at destination.
below is my simple yml
- clonning
stage: clonning
- master
- 'robocopy . "$env:DEST_PATH" /MIR /XF Thumbs.db *.yml *.md /XD .git /R:0'
So here my issue, how could i write statement to return particular with exit code, suppose here is single statement of robocopy, how should i write second statement or something like 'exit 0' in script section
FYI, robocopy is working perfectly, its just its returning status code 1 and that is not failure then also its failing the job.