Flaky spec: Too many SQL queries were executed in Projects::MergeRequestsController#show
I've seen this a few times (I think in different specs). I'm not sure why exceeding the query limit would be flaky.
1st Try error in ./spec/features/merge_request/user_reverts_merge_request_spec.rb:62:
Too many SQL queries were executed in Projects::MergeRequestsController#show: a maximum of 100 is allowed but 101 SQL queries were executed
RSpec::Retry: 2nd try ./spec/features/merge_request/user_reverts_merge_request_spec.rb:62
WARN: Screenshot could not be saved. `page.current_path` is empty.
2nd Try error in ./spec/features/merge_request/user_reverts_merge_request_spec.rb:62:
Too many SQL queries were executed in Projects::MergeRequestsController#show: a maximum of 100 is allowed but 102 SQL queries were executed
RSpec::Retry: 3rd try ./spec/features/merge_request/user_reverts_merge_request_spec.rb:62
WARN: Screenshot could not be saved. `page.current_path` is empty.
3rd Try error in ./spec/features/merge_request/user_reverts_merge_request_spec.rb:62:
Too many SQL queries were executed in Projects::MergeRequestsController#show: a maximum of 100 is allowed but 101 SQL queries were executed
RSpec::Retry: 4th try ./spec/features/merge_request/user_reverts_merge_request_spec.rb:62
WARN: Screenshot could not be saved. `page.current_path` is empty.
cannot revert a merge requests for an archived project (FAILED - 1)