The underscore is not obvious (see screenshot below) I has not understanding why my domains could not be verified, I had forgot to copy the _ underscore and visual verification did not help ..
The text is _gitlab-pages-verification-code. [...]
Steps to reproduce
Add a domain to gitlab pages
See the CNAME verification input
What is the current bug behavior?
The underscore is hidden by the style of the input
What is the expected correct behavior?
See the _ at the start of the input
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@gtsiolis this is to do with the domain verification, rather than a bad namespace - it's actually required that the created verification domain be _gitlab-pages-verification-code....
Interestingly, this is visible to me (firefox 60.x, debian linux):
So I guess this might be a display bug between different browsers? Can you say what you're using @williamdes ?
cc @leipert due to gitlab-ce@78ff68a2108bb78a9fa488ff995b2111ad837c72 , which is the likely cause of change here.
This is very similar to, where text was clipped under certain environments. We should double check here that we're handling line heights correctly. It sounds like the environments we develop on are more graceful than others.
@ogolowinski could we get your eyes on this issue? It looks like there's some environments that clip the leading underscore of this text which could result in the user seemingly following instructions but not entering the right verification value.
Any chance this could be assigned and scheduled in %12.10?
I could not reproduce on MacOS 10.15.3 with Chrome 80.0.3987.149 nor Safari 13.0.5. However it seems like a frontend issue based on #28448 (comment 215757081)
I believe it would be a simple fix so adding issue weight 1, @nfriend could you please confirm?
I remember not seeing the _ when I first tried out GitLab Pages a few months ago. Trying to find out what I had done wrong was immensely frustrating and time-consuming. Eventually I was able to discover what I did wrong by looking at the docs on but even that took me a while. (If I remember correctly, I think there was even a place where even the docs didn't have the _ but the docs have either improved significantly since then or I was extraordinarily blind, since it's relatively easy to discover the correct name now.)
Contributions like this are vital to help make GitLab a better product.
We would be grateful for your help in verifying whether your bug report requires further attention from the team. If you think this bug still exists, and is reproducible with the latest stable version of GitLab, please comment on this issue.
This issue has been inactive for more than 12 months now and based on the policy for inactive bugs, will be closed in 7 days.
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@ealcantara This issue looks like it may slip this current milestone. Can you leave a or to signify if you are on track to deliver this issue?
Please also consider updating the issue's Health Status or Milestone to reflect its current state,
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I suspect this may have been fixed inadvertently by !102347 (merged). Depending on the system font that resolved previously, anyway! For me, here's the before/after: