REST API - Create diff comment thread - fix misleading error message
My dyslexia cost me a lot of time here.
When we try to submit a comment on an MR diff and we specify incorrect file name, instead of getting a message about non-existent file, we get a message about a missing optional line_code
This misleads the API user and makes them (me) look for a problem in the wrong place.
Steps to reproduce
Sample project: viktomas/empty-test-2!1 (diffs)
Get the MR version so you can craft the create message request.
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" '' | jq
[ { "id": 124423305, "head_commit_sha": "943df554d4cc69a63ad43acc9f28bf6a8fa99e48", "base_commit_sha": "b62a77777f42dd3bdd0c8f6dcf190ee4581f88a3", "start_commit_sha": "b62a77777f42dd3bdd0c8f6dcf190ee4581f88a3", "created_at": "2020-11-13T14:29:00.136Z", "merge_request_id": 77972283, "state": "collected", "real_size": "1" } ]
Try to create an MR message, but misspell the file name (the actual filename is
)curl --request POST --header "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" --form "body=Via API" \ --form "position[old_path]=test-selection.js" --form "position[new_path]=test-selection.js" \ --form "position[old_line]=20" \ --form "position[head_sha]=943df554d4cc69a63ad43acc9f28bf6a8fa99e48" \ --form "position[base_sha]=b62a77777f42dd3bdd0c8f6dcf190ee4581f88a3" \ --form "position[start_sha]=b62a77777f42dd3bdd0c8f6dcf190ee4581f88a3" \ --form "position[position_type]=text" \
{ "message": "400 (Bad request) \"Note {:line_code=\u003e[\"can't be blank\", \"must be a valid line code\"]}\" not given" }
Example Project
viktomas/empty-test-2!1 (diffs)
What is the current bug behavior?
The error message says that there is a missing line_code
What is the expected correct behavior?
The error message says that there is no such file.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Output of checks
This bug happens on
Possible fixes
Edited by Tomas Vik