Project Access Token creation failing (false positive)
I'm trying to create a recently released Project access token, and I get a "Your new project access token has been created." but it does not work.
I have owner permissions on the Project, and I'm o I also tried calling an API using this token (, but it failed.
Steps to reproduce
- Open Project Access Token page
- Give the new token a name, expiration and scope (I tried many combinations, all gave the same output)
- Click on "Create Project Access Token"
- The new token appears to me at the top, but not on the list at the bottom.
- Refresh the screen, it doesn't show the created token in the list as a "Active project access tokens"
- Navigate to the members of the group and search for the "Token Name" or "bot", it doesn't find any user as stated in the documentation
Example Project
What is the current bug behavior?
Token is "created" but can't be seen as active or used to call this project's APIs
What is the expected correct behavior?
Token is "created", listed as active and used to call this project's APIs