Wiki pages list is hard to use with large Wikis
The Wiki pages list is hard to use with more than a dozen pages. For instance, compare GHC's current Trac wiki index with the GitLab index. While the former isn't particularly pretty, it serves it's purpose: it can be easily scanned by eye to get a sense for the structure and nature of the content in the wiki.
By comparison the latter falls short in a number of areas:
- pagination breaks flow: one can't get a sense of the global structure of the wiki since it is broken across countless pages
- too little information in too much space: visual scanning is difficult due to the large amount of padding between items and distracting horizontal rules
- lost hierarchy: while in Trac you can easily skip entire subtrees, in GitLab's index you are forced to look at every entry
Steps to reproduce
Create a large wiki (e.g. )
Example Project
Here is GHC's current Wiki:
What is the current bug behavior?
It's nearly impossible to find content unless you know of a search keyword.
What is the expected correct behavior?
It should be possible to get a sense of the structure of the wiki. format console output, logs, and code as it's very hard to read otherwise.)
Output of checks
This bug happens on
Possible fixes
These three changes would greatly improve the situation:
- Eliminate pagination
- Render the list as a tree (perhaps with guides to help the eye follow the structure)
- Cut the vertical padding in half, eliminate the horizontal rules
- Drop the parenthesized format