@nick.thomas How much effort do you estimate it will take to find all places that touch ElasticSearch and add License.feature_available?(:elastic_search) checks to them (both on frontend and backend), so that this feature can be turned off in its entirety by having that method return false?
@DouweM all elasticsearch functionality is gated through a couple of fields in application_settings already: elasticsearch_indexing (write) and elasticsearch_search (read).
We could just modify these two methods to check the database and the license, and perhaps update the UI so you can't check the boxes if the feature is unavailable.
@DouweM@nick.thomas As I understand from the issue title we need to check a license for global search only, not for entirely ES search feature. So the check should be performed not on the settings level but on the level of controllers, services, and views. But anyway, it does not sound like a hard task.
@vsizov Yeah, we need to get the instance to complete behave as if it were CE, when ElasticSearch is disabled. Global code search is only enabled when ElasticSearch is, right?