2020-08-31 - Triage report for "group::configure"
Hi, @nagyv-gitlab @nicholasklick @mvrachni
This is a group or stage level triage report that aims to summarize the feature proposals and bugs which have not been scheduled or triaged. For more information please refer to the handbook:
Scheduling the workload is a collaborative effort by the Product Managers and Engineering Managers for that group. Please work together to provide a best estimate on priority and milestone assignments. For each issue please:
- Determine if the issue should be closed if it is no longer relevant or a duplicate.
- If it is still relevant please assign either a best estimate versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone.
- Specifically for ~bug, if there is no priority or clarity on a versioned milestone, please add a Priority label. Priority labels have an estimate SLO attached to them and help team members and the wider community understand roughly when it will be considered to be scheduled.
- Once a milestone has been assigned please check off the box for that issue.
- Please work with your team to complete the list by the due date set.
Feature Proposal Section
For the following feature proposals. Please either close or assign either a versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone.
feature with customer
Unscheduled- #240889 (closed) GitLab Managed Apps should install the version of GitLab Runner corresponding to GitLab version Category:Kubernetes Management, Category:Runner, customer, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #215202 More granular access control for kubernetes integrations (custom namespaces) Category:Kubernetes Management, customer, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #27501 (closed) Cleanup namespaces created for environments on environment-elimination ~"Accepting merge requests", Category:Kubernetes Management, auto updated, backend, customer, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", missed:13.1, potential proposal, workflowscheduling
feature (non-customer)
Unscheduled- #241702 Run Auto DevOps with rootless dind Category:Auto DevOps, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #238958 (closed) Minimize required permissions for GitOps in GitLab Kubernetes Agent ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #238585 Better namespacing of Terraform state files ~"Accepting merge requests", Category:Infrastructure as Code, awaiting feedback, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowvalidation backlog
- #238539 (closed) Determine Kubernetes Agent versioning strategy ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"feature::maintenance", ~"group::configure", sectionops, workflowsolution validation
- #236540 (closed) Attach existing cluster using kubectl (plugin) Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops, workflowsolution validation
- #235879 (closed) Add support for encryption of Terraform Reports Category:Infrastructure as Code, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowproblem validation
- #235660 (closed) Auto-create the config directory from the UI Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowproblem validation
- #235108 (closed) Enable versioning for all existing Terraform states Category:Infrastructure as Code, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #234028 (closed) Allow user to retry failed cluster creation Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowvalidation backlog
- #234010 Pause and resume environments with CI/CD jobs Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #233631 Reference the agent configuration project under the projects deployed by it Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowsolution validation
- #233569 (closed) GitLab k8s agent - detect and manage "applications" Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #233519 Gitlab Hooks ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #233481 (closed) Ability to add GKE Private Cluster with Private Endpoints Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, gke, ~"group::configure"
- #233445 Docs feedback - feature proposal: Terraform backend supporting multiple workspaces Alliances - Hashicorp, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops, workflowvalidation backlog
- #233367 (closed) Add support to multiple environments with the GitLab Kubernetes Agent Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowsolution validation
- #233303 (closed) Docker images for GitLab Kubernetes Agent ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"feature::maintenance", ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #233029 (closed) add kubernetes_namespace field to group clusters api Category:Kubernetes Management, api, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #232782 (closed) Docs feedback: POSTGRES_VERSION ~"devops::configure", documentation, feature, ~"feature::maintenance", ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #232710 (closed) Gitlab (the company) should take over the maintenance of the Gitlab Terraform provider ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #232064 (closed) Should GitLab Kubernetes Agent Server become part of Workhorse? ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #231267 Improve workflow for rake tasks and rails console in Auto Devops environments Category:Auto DevOps, Category:Kubernetes Management, DogfoodingIn Triage, ~"devops::configure", environments, feature, ~"group::configure", internal customer, operations
- #230571 (closed) Cluster details page for a cluster managed by an agent Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowdesign
- #228614 (closed) ARM64 Support for K8s Managed Apps ARM, Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #228613 (closed) Provide an upgrade path from helm2 to helm3 with Auto DevOps Category:Auto DevOps, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowsolution validation
- #227560 (closed) Failed deploy should still show which Kubernetes cluster it was deployed to Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #227157 (closed) API support for the GitLab Kubernetes Agent ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops, workflowsolution validation
- #227155 Make the GitLab K8s Agent token auto-expire after 24 hours if unused Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", workflowsolution validation
- #227108 (closed) "Protected" Terraform states Category:Infrastructure as Code, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure"
- #225722 (closed) Docs feedback: add_remove_clusters.html self signed certificate Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"devops::configure", docsfeature, documentation, feature, ~"group::configure"
Unscheduled UX Debt Issues
- #213906 (closed) Forward richer errors on GKE cluster creation failure UX debt, backend, ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops
Bug Section
For the following bugs. Please either close or assign either a versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone and ensure that a priority label is set.
Heatmap for all bugs
Bugs for their priority and severity label are counted here. Every bug should have severity and priority labels applied. Please take a look at the bugs which fall into the columns indicating that the priority or severity labels are currently missing.
severity1 | severity2 | severity3 | severity4 | No severity | |
priority1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
priority2 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
priority3 | 0 | 2 | 25 | 2 | 0 |
priority4 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 41 | 0 |
No priority | 0 | 3 | 14 | 2 | 29 |
frontend ~bug (non-customer)
Unscheduled- #216607 (closed) Kubernetes cluster name can be added with whitespace => Problem when trying "To remove your integration, type ..." Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", frontend, ~"group::configure"
Unscheduled ~bug with- #217750 (closed) 403 when running pipelines Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"bug", customer, ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure"
- #216974 (closed) Refactor EKS Regions call to accommodate varying regions ~"bug", customer, ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops, severity2, workflowscheduling
- #209942 (closed) Mismatch between active users count and users in license seat Category:User Management, ~"bug", customer, ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops, severity2
Unscheduled ~bug (non-customer)
- #233971 (closed) Unable to Remove Kubernetes cluster integration when cluster name has trailing white space Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", severity4
- #232459 (closed) Adding Kubernetes Cluster Integration via non-local IP fails SSL Verify ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #231375 (closed) External MinIO: SocketError ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops, severity3
- #228623 (closed) Remove f1-micro from machine type dropdown when creating GKE cluster ~"Accepting merge requests", ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #227042 (closed) Kubernetes Integration GitLab Community Edition 13.1.2 Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", severity3
- #224448 (closed) GitLab-managed apps V1 should show a force-uninstall option if uninstallation fails ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", feature, ~"group::configure", sectionops, workflowproblem validation
- #223437 (closed) GitLab AutoDevOps integrated postgres readiness and liveliness probe fails Category:Auto DevOps, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", severity3
- #223099 (closed) deploy key labels are always regenerated by gitlab Category:Secrets Management, api, ~"bug", deploy keys, ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #222718 (closed) UX for removing cluster integration is clunky Category:Kubernetes Management, UX, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure"
- #220676 (closed) [Auto-devops] Missing module extension on heroku Category:Auto DevOps, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", ~"missed-SLO", priority2, severity2
- #220049 (closed) Feature flag for :force_autodevops_on_by_default not honored Category:Auto DevOps, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", severity2
- #219508 (closed) Kubernates - production deployment Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure"
- #219297 (closed) NoMethodError: undefined method `project' for nil:NilClass ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #219200 (closed) Default Auto Devops deployments fail unless AUTO_DEVOPS_POSTGRES_CHANNEL=1 Category:Auto DevOps, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", regression, regression:13.0
- #219012 (closed) Auto-devops production deploy job failed Category:Auto DevOps, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", severity3
- #218276 (closed) gitlab managed cert-manager uninstall completes but gitlab thinks uninstall timed out & believes it's still installed Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", severity3
- #218273 (closed) StateMachines::InvalidTransition: Cannot transition cleanup_status via :start_cleanup from :cleanup_removing_service_account (Reaso... ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops, workflowscheduling
- #218007 (closed) Fix Incomplete Kubernetes Cluster Status List Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", workflowready for development
- #217892 (closed) POSTGRES_ENABLED in Auto DevOps has no effect for "test" stage ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #217806 (closed) DATABASE_URL is not compatible with JDBC in auto devops ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops, severity3
- #217214 (closed) Kubernetes Cluster Ingress & Knative install fails on self-hosted cluster Category:Kubernetes Management, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure"
- #216830 (closed) Unable to install k8s apps via cluster management project ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops
- #216766 (closed) [Auto DevOps] www prefix with fake SSL Category:Auto DevOps, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", severity4
- #216739 (closed) Cannot use existing ssl wildcard certificate for AutoDevOps auto deploy Category:Auto DevOps, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", severity3
- #216388 (closed) db initialize/migration jobs are not deleted during cleanup Category:Auto DevOps, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure"
- #215588 (closed) Kubeclient::HttpError: HTTP status code 422, Namespace "camswords-contribute-2020-autodevops-18347796-review-hello-eart-... backend, ~"bug", ~"devops::configure", ~"group::configure", sectionops, ~"workflow::In review"
Heatmap for ~missed-SLO bugs
severity1 | severity2 | severity3 | severity4 | No severity | |
priority1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
priority2 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 1 |
priority3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 |
priority4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No priority | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
This is a group level triage report that aims to collate the latest bug reports (for frontend and otherwise) and feature proposals. For more information please refer to the handbook:
If assignees or people mentioned in this individual triage report need to be amended, please edit group-definition.yml.