Project transfer leads falsy label linking
I had to make a project transfer in order to change subscription level and i noticed that previous group label are still présent in new project, what is pretty cool in a way because issues looks the same, but the problem is that the labels should not be applied outside of initial group tree.
Steps to reproduce
- Group1
- Project1
- Group2
Label Label1 defined in Group1 and applied on an issue of Project1, if project1 is moved in Group2, Label1 is still present and if i change the title/color of the label after the transfer, Project1 issues are updated whereas project is not in Group1 tree anymore
Example Project where TEST_OPS_LBL (red one) is defined in
What is the current bug behavior?
- Project1 is affected by non actual parent group change.
- unable to use API to remove labels on migrated issues
What is the expected correct behavior?
Label should have been created in Project1 (if not present in Group2 but control may be skipped since the merge shall be assumed by label promotion)
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Output of checks
This bug happens on
Possible fixes
No idea