Refresh button is not clickable after merge rejection by custom hooks
We have custom pre-push hooks.
When developer clicks on "Merge" button and if something with merge-commit is wrong, our hooks reject commit and show message with explanation. For example, our custom hooks checks that commit message contains ticket id and ticket is in allowed status
So after that developer clicks on "Refresh" button, but nothing happends (no changes on page, "Merge" button not appears) and merge request is not updated.
Refresh button have to dissappear by timer, but we didn't see any timer count and refresh button is not disappeared (we saw refresh for several days till updated our merge request by work around)
Steps to reproduce
- Create branch
- Make change in branch
- Make commit with ticket in message
- Change ticket status "On hold"
- Create merge request with the changes
- Click on Merge (after that we see our custom hooks message and refresh button appears)
- Change ticket status "In progress"
- Click on Refresh
- Merge request is not updated, refresh button not disappeared, merge button not appeared
Example Project
It's fluent problem and it happends on our internal gitlab instanse with custom hooks. So can't create example project
What is the current bug behavior?
Merge request page is not updated by refresh button
What is the expected correct behavior?
Updated merge request page with clickable "Merge" button
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
Here's screenshot with custom hooks message and refresh button without timer
Results of GitLab environment info
GitLab Community Edition 12.10.6
Possible fixes
Could be related with several gitlab parts. We can't find the root cause