Cannot Edit Bug Report - Captcha
I cannot Edit my submitted bugs in gitlab. I created a bug and wanted to change the title, 2 seconds after I hit save.** I am already logged into the site.** I get a blank recaptcha modal window and I can't continue.
Steps to reproduce
Edit the title of a bug.
Example Project
What is the current bug behavior?
What is the expected correct behavior?
I should be able to hit Save Changes.
Relevant logs and/or screenshots
(Paste any relevant logs - please use code blocks (```) to format console output, logs, and code as it's tough to read otherwise.)
Output of checks
This bug happens on
Results of GitLab environment info
This bug happens on
Results of GitLab application Check
This bug happens on
Possible fixes
(If you can, link to the line of code that might be responsible for the problem)