2020-08-10 - Triage report for "group::telemetry"
Hi, @sid_reddy @jeromezng @jackib @timhey @vincywilson
This is a group or stage level triage report that aims to summarize the feature proposals and bugs which have not been scheduled or triaged. For more information please refer to the handbook:
Scheduling the workload is a collaborative effort by the Product Managers and Engineering Managers for that group. Please work together to provide a best estimate on priority and milestone assignments. For each issue please:
- Determine if the issue should be closed if it is no longer relevant or a duplicate.
- If it is still relevant please assign either a best estimate versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone.
- Specifically for ~bug, if there is no priority or clarity on a versioned milestone, please add a Priority label. Priority labels have an estimate SLO attached to them and help team members and the wider community understand roughly when it will be considered to be scheduled.
- Once a milestone has been assigned please check off the box for that issue.
- Please work with your team to complete the list by the due date set.
feature (non-customer)
Unscheduled- #233634 (closed) Follow-up from "Add index on recorded_at in raw_usage_data table" devopsgrowth, feature, ~"feature::maintenance", ~"group::telemetry", workflowready for development
- #232831 (closed) Harden Redis HLL metric devopsgrowth, feature, ~"feature::maintenance", ~"group::telemetry", milestonep1, workflowplanning breakdown
- #232495 (closed) Improve Product Analytics feature documentation devopsgrowth, docsfeature, documentation, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #230851 (closed) Ensure all usage ping fields are documented and versioned devopsgrowth, documentation, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #230831 (closed) Allow customers to approve usage ping content devopsgrowth, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #211568 (closed) Product Instrumentation - MVC - SnowPlow visualization DogfoodingBuild in GitLab, devopsmonitor, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #35376 (closed) make https://version.gitlab.com/check.svg work without referrer devopsgrowth, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #34679 (closed) a way to collect more data for self-hosted instance devopsgrowth, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #26137 (closed) Include previous errors in usage ping devopsgrowth, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #25966 (closed) Group/Project usage ping Manage [DEPRECATED], devopsgrowth, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #6684 (closed) Instance health indicator in usage ping Enterprise Edition, Manage [DEPRECATED], backend, devopsmanage, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #22282 (closed) Add fork network metrics to usage ping devopscreate, feature, ~"group::telemetry", repository
- #22070 (closed) Add data from /admin/dashboard/stats to usage ping Manage [DEPRECATED], auto updated, awaiting feedback, backend, devopsmanage, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #2165 Add OS to usage ping Enterprise Edition, Manage [DEPRECATED], devopsmanage, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #17674 Add number of users per access level in the usage ping Manage [DEPRECATED], backend, devopsgrowth, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
- #15944 Include runners in usage ping Category:Runner, devopsverify, feature, ~"group::telemetry"
Bug Section
For the following bugs. Please either close or assign either a versioned milestone, the %Backlog or the %Awaiting further demand milestone and ensure that a priority label is set.
Heatmap for all bugs
Bugs for their priority and severity label are counted here. Every bug should have severity and priority labels applied. Please take a look at the bugs which fall into the columns indicating that the priority or severity labels are currently missing.
~S1 | ~S2 | ~S3 | ~S4 | No severity | |
~P1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
~P2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
~P3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
~P4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
No priority | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Unscheduled ~bug (non-customer)
- #214466 (closed) Missing or Redundant Indexes in gprd Database tooling, ~"S2", ~"bug", database, devopsgrowth, ~"group::telemetry", workflowplanning breakdown
- #36928 (closed) Snowplow server-side events should respect DNT: 1 header ~"S2", ~"bug", devopsgrowth, ~"group::telemetry", snowplow tracking events, workflowdesign
This is a group level triage report that aims to collate the latest bug reports (for frontend and otherwise) and feature proposals. For more information please refer to the handbook:
If assignees or people mentioned in this individual triage report need to be amended, please edit group-definition.yml.