Extract 'sync_code_owner_approval_rules' service
Problem to solve
We added EE::ProtectedBranches::CreateService#sync_code_owner_approval_rules
as part of moving code owners onto protected branches, but I think we can extract this logic into a new service class.
We'll want this to be able to sync existing MRs after creating new approval rules https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/blob/master/ee/app/services/ee/protected_branches/create_service.rb#L25
Acceptance Criteria:
- This logic is contained in it's own service class
- Show closed items
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- Marc Shaw added to epic &4076 (closed)
added to epic &4076 (closed)
- Marc Shaw added backend devopscreate groupsource code typefeature labels
added backend devopscreate groupsource code typefeature labels
- Marc Shaw changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Marc Shaw set weight to 2
set weight to 2
- Author Maintainer
Initial weight: 2
Extracting code into its own service.
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 mentioned in issue #233318 (closed)
mentioned in issue #233318 (closed)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 mentioned in issue #235073 (closed)
mentioned in issue #235073 (closed)
- Rehab mentioned in issue #235461 (closed)
mentioned in issue #235461 (closed)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added sectiondev label
added sectiondev label
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 mentioned in issue #237811 (closed)
mentioned in issue #237811 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12729 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12729 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso changed milestone to %13.7
changed milestone to %13.7
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12731 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12731 (closed)
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
added [deprecated] Accepting merge requests label
- Maintainer
Setting label(s) Category:Source Code Management based on groupsource code.
- 🤖 GitLab Bot 🤖 added Category:Source Code Management label
added Category:Source Code Management label
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12760 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12760 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso changed milestone to %13.8
changed milestone to %13.8
- Developer
Adding backend-weight2
Edited by Sean Carroll - Sean Carroll added backend-weight2 label
added backend-weight2 label
- Marc Shaw changed epic to &5045 (closed)
changed epic to &5045 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso changed title from Extract EE::ProtectedBranches::CreateService#sync_code_owner_approval_rules to Extract
changed title from Extract EE::ProtectedBranches::CreateService#sync_code_owner_approval_rules to Extract
- Daniel Gruesso changed the description
Compare with previous version changed the description
- Daniel Gruesso changed title from Extract to Extract 'sync_code_owner_approval_rules' service
changed title from Extract to Extract 'sync_code_owner_approval_rules' service
- Daniel Gruesso changed milestone to %13.9
changed milestone to %13.9
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12773 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12773 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12783 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12783 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso changed milestone to %13.10
changed milestone to %13.10
- Sean Carroll mentioned in issue create-stage#12797 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12797 (closed)
- Sean Carroll added maintenancerefactor label
added maintenancerefactor label
- Daniel Gruesso changed milestone to %13.11
changed milestone to %13.11
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12717 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12717 (closed)
- Maintainer
I confirm backend-weight2 .
- Developer
Thank you @vyaklushin
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12795 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12795 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso changed milestone to %13.12
changed milestone to %13.12
- Daniel Gruesso changed milestone to %14.0
changed milestone to %14.0
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12800 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12800 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso mentioned in issue create-stage#12831 (closed)
mentioned in issue create-stage#12831 (closed)
- Daniel Gruesso changed milestone to %14.1
changed milestone to %14.1
- Developer
Moving to the %Backlog
- Sarah Waldner changed milestone to %Backlog
changed milestone to %Backlog
- Developer
Hi @sean_carroll, this says maintenancerefactor and typefeature. I guess this does not make sense. I am changing it to typemaintenance. An option would also be closing this all together.
Collapse replies - Developer
- Torsten Linz added typemaintenance label and removed typefeature label
added typemaintenance label and removed typefeature label
- Sean Carroll removed from epic &5045 (closed)
removed from epic &5045 (closed)