@robstoll - Are you able to recreate this on GitLab.com? I was not able to but may not be understanding the steps to recreate.
The information submitted in the Bug Template is not clear on the environment you are encountering this on. Based on this I will be closing this issue. Please fill out more of the ~bug template and reopen the issue and I will take another look
@kwiebers try it with https://gitlab.com/robstoll/test-move-multiple-issues, I have not tried to push (as I should be allowed) but I quickly checked if I can modify files in the corresponding branch with role no-one without assign me as exception and was able to do so which I shouldn't I guess as I am not allowed to push -- but maybe modifications via web are allowed intentional? Anyway... I hope this way you can try it out again.
Thanks for adding this detail to the issue description
@m_gill - would this ~bug fall under groupsource code? I didn't find any existing issues that were the same as this report but curious if you have seen this.
Hi everyone , so a costumer was experiencing the same bug (on version 12.6.8) and I found this issue. I tried to reproduce this in GitLab.com but I couldn't, so I went a little bit deeper and found this issue: #35097 (closed) that seems to have fixed this bug on version 13.5. Is that accurate?
cc: @m_gill@kwiebers
@marc_shaw can you speak to this? This was during a weird transition period where this issue belong to groupsource code but had a groupcode review engineer working on it because of the splitting of the 2 groups.
WDYT @m_gill ? Maybe I missed it, if not i will create an MR to update the docs.
@b_freitas depending on how the customer has their protected branches setup - it may be that this is what is happening, or it may be solved by the issue you linked above.
I think the customer is experiencing something slightly different:
If in the configuration of protected branches we have selected a user in "Allowed to push", when we try to commit a change, we can commit even though we are not the user that we have registered.
So, when they select Role="No one" + User:"User" (see this comment) everyone can push to the protected branch, regardless of being an Admin or not. I wasn't able to reproduce it myself, but that is what they are experiencing.
They are on version 12.6.8, so my guess is that this problem has been fixed in more recent versions. I just wanted to confirm that.
Sorry, I missed that comment. Yes in the last particular case it was a user with admin rights with ssh connection. Any chance that an admin can create an api token with less power? It's not an option for us to create a second account for each admin as the pricing model went up quite a bit