Refer only to group "delete" (not group "remove")
Problem to solve
Currently the app refers to both the ability to "delete" a group, and "remove" it. However, it seems these terms have the same meaning. Especially given the new feature to prevent accidental deletion of groups, which implies these terms have different meaning, we should probably consolidate around the use of only one of these terms.
Further details
It seems that "delete" may have been introduced recently with the feature to prevent accidental deletion of groups. However, that seems to be the more appropriate term.
Most records are "deleted" (truly destructive):
Associations are "removed" (not really destructive, just a change):
Some examples of the project delete/remove terminology in use:
- Default deletion adjourned period documentation
- Remove group API docs
- Remove group docs
- Remove group UI feature
Consolidate around the term "delete" because "remove" is a less appropriate term.