This issue is one is an iteration toward supporting the greater Enterprise's workflows to manage release approvals via MRs. When an operator is “allowed to deploy” to production, they need developer access and the ability to push/merge into the branch (if it's protected) in order to deploy into protected environments. This permits operators to commit code, causing auditing concerns.
A similar issue exists when a non-code-contributing Approver for merge requests is required. They must be developers to approve Merge Requests.
We will need to add a configuration option for groups to select maintainers cannot deploy, and only this deployer role can deploy.
User experience goal
Users that have no access to modify the code (Reporters) ought to still be able to Approve MRs and Deploy to Protected Environments when they are designated as approvers or deployers
Developers (with developer access) to a project ought to be allowed to develop, push/merge into protected branches but NOT deploy to production. This is accomplished by pairing Protected Branches and Protected Environments with an externalized CI YAML.
Managers or Operators (with reporter access) to a project sometimes need to be required approvers of an MR before a merge to a protected branch commences. These managers/operators ought not be allowed to push/merge any code to any branches but. The only users that are able to "Approve" a Merge Request are users that can also push/merge code. This prevents the MR Approvers from having segregation of duties.
@vshushlin - I will let @poffey21 weigh in too, but I have found that users want to use an approval workflow for deployments to production from a non-coder reviewer.
How are the edits made in the description (and quoted below)?
Managers or Operators (with reporter access) to a project sometimes need to be required approvers of an MR before a merge to a protected branch commences. These managers/operators ought not be allowed to push/merge any code to any branches but. The only users that are able to "Approve" a Merge Request are users that can also push/merge code. This prevents the MR Approvers from having segregation of duties.
Oftentimes in regulated environments, an engineering manager or business user is required to "approve" of a finalized change before it's allowed to be deployed - and we don't want those managers be the actual deployers.
@vshushlin - yes they can use those as well. Sometimes, customers are not using protected branches or environments for their production instances. So, that is one limitation.
@vshushlin Unlike protected environments it looks like we can not achieve this using groups (#225482 (comment 372054582))? Should we explore this option?
@jmeshell If the feature supports naming Groups as Approvers, then this will meet my expectations. The last 2 comments make me a little unsure about whether thats in the plan or not.
Thanks but that omits my key question. Can one name a Group as an explicit approver in Project merge approval rules. If explicit approval means naming individuals or if this doesnt work in project settings, then it would not work for Drupal. Thanks for your attention.
Currently are able to set protected branches and protected environments based on user roles (if only developer and higher, perhaps consider all roles as an option to be selected), but it would be nice to have this same role level selection capability for MR approvals.
Current solution for this problem:
Developer or higher permissions required which at times can come into conflict due to parent namespace user inheritance
@jreporter - There are two parts of this issue that contain what I'd consider proposals:
Further details
We will need to add a configuration option for groups to select maintainers cannot deploy, and only this deployer role can deploy.
and Proposal
Allow reporter roles to approve MRs if they are explicitly listed in the approval rules.
I think the MVC you're looking for me to evaluate is the proposal, and I'll respond accordingly - let me know if I got that wrong.
I think this is a great small iteration. Is the real iteration that you can now add Reporters to Merge Request approval rules? If so that seems sufficiently small and utilizing existing features but definitely improving the pain from the defined problem.
Have run into an issue here and would like to clarify the approach.
We are trying to allow Reporters to be granted Allow to Merge on a protected branch (eg master). The MVC would be to create a new group with Reporter access and grant that group to Allow to Merge.
In this case if the user is granted access to the protected branch under Allow to Merge, they will be able to merge despite not having push access.
It appears that there will need to be some frontend changes, as it is not currently possible to add a group to Allow to Merge unless it is also added to Allowed to push.
Specific steps to view this:
Create a new group and add to the project with Reporter access
Add the group to "Allowed to push"
The protect button is not enabled, unless the group is added to Allowed to push.
Changes needed
Enable protection of a branch when only Allowed to Merge is selected
Ensure that members of groups assigned to Allowed to Merge can actually do so
This could be for any role, but will include Reporters
@sean_carroll it is important to note that this is not enabling reporters to "merge" any code, only allowing them to "approve" the code can be merged. The Merge Button will never appear for the reporter, but the "approve" button will appear.
I'll confirm w/ @jreporter that this is an acceptable approach. This still prevents developers from merging without approval, whilst allowing a reporter Zero Access to anything in the commit history.
I don't like the approach where the Reporter can merge because then the Git History is being modified by the Reporter.
we might add a field called Allowed to Approve, which would grant whoever is assigned that specific permission only
For this iteration:
Create a group and assign users to it
Group is attached to the project as Reporter
Group is assigned to a protected branch under both Allowed to Merge and Allowed to push
As the group has an access level of Reporter, it is only allowed to approve, and in fact not allowed to merge or push, despite being listed as such. This we can clearly document.
Groups attached as Developer or Maintainer are not affected.
@sean_carroll this looks near perfect - I'd suggest a few minor tweaks.
Create a group and assign users to it
Group is attached to the project as Reporter
A merge request approval rule is added (Settings > General > Merge request approvals) and the group is attached to that approval rule.
Groups attached as Developer or Maintainer are not affected.
Users in that group will have zero access to Merge/Push and protected branches are not modified, but the users now have the ability to "approve" merge requests.
It sounds like there is a disconnect between how Approval rules are presented and how the mechanism actually works - @sean_carroll@poffey21
Group is assigned to a protected branch under both Allowed to Merge and Allowed to push
As the group has an access level of Reporter, it is only allowed to approve, and in fact not allowed to merge or push, despite being listed as such. This we can clearly document.
A merge request approval rule is added (Settings > General > Merge request approvals) and the group is attached to that approval rule.
Is it true @sean_carroll that Approval rules are assigned by being allowed to Merge and Allowed to push? Or can they just be added to Merge Approval Rules?
I did some testing (in a local instance) on the current state for adding groups to Merge Request approvals. In order to approve a MR the user must be added to the group as a Developer and the group added to the project as Developer.
User in Group
Group in Project
Approve MR ?
Valentina Kohler
Tam Wolff
Chelsie Klein
Brandon Waters
All groups are also added to the Merge Request approvers page
all usernames show up in the Merge Request approvers page (see above screenshot), even though they cannot approve
only the actual person able to approve shows up against the MR (Tam Wolff)
it is possible to add a group to the Merge Request approvers page without first adding it to the Project. This group cannot approve but I wonder if this should not be possible without adding the group to the project?
Is it true @sean_carroll that Approval rules are assigned by being allowed to Merge and Allowed to push? Or can they just be added to Merge Approval Rules?
Groups can be added to Merge Approval rules only, as noted above, but it doesn't grant any access to actually approve.
Being a Reporter either when added to the group of when the group is added to the project means the user cannot approve
In the current state, the user must be a Developer, so they will get push access, although not to the protected branch.
@jreporter I'm curious if #227468 (closed) might be of interest to you here. Based on the above discussion, I'm wondering if there's an opportunity to create a unified experience in an abstracted/global list of approvers. They could be approvers for two-person approvals (current intent) or be a list of authorized deployers in the future.
Is this relevant or did I misunderstand some context? Starting this new comment so as not to distract from the thread above
This particular feature can be used in conjunction with #227468 (closed)@mattgonzales. In theory, people would just assign specific users to approve and those people now (with the addition of this feature) can be reporter roles.
@sean_carroll just checking in on this since I haven't seen a recent update. This is a Deliverable for 13.4 so I want to make sure we prioritize getting this through. Are we still looking good to get this completed?