Show Iteration Reports in Sub-Groups & Projects
Job Story
When my team has issues assigned to an Iteration that was created within a parent group, I want to be able to view my team's progress against the iteration within my project/sub-group, so that I don't have to context switch out of my current project/sub-group or request additional permissions in the parent Group just to see my team's work within the current Iteration.
- Display an Iteration List + Iteration Reports within my project/sub-group when there are Issues within the given project/sub-group associated to an Iteration in a Parent group.
- Scope the Iteration Report to only contain data accessible to the current sub-group/project.
- Add bare iteration page within projects: !37715 (merged)
- Show iteration list within projects: !37961 (merged)
- Show iteration report within projects: !37979 (merged)
- Use the project iterations GraphQL query for the project iterations list (!38705 (merged))
- Use the top-level iterations GraphQL query for the project iterations report (!38821 (merged))
- Use correct URL in iteration list within projects: !39862 (merged)
This change is behind the feature flag :project_iterations
Release Notes
Iterations are currently created at the Group level and there is no way to view an Iteration's report within the context of a Subgroup or Project. Not only is this is problematic for organizations that prefer to operate according to the principle of lease privilege, it makes it difficult and confusing for a larger organization to utilize the same Iteration cadence while also providing a way for each Group and Project to track their progress. To solve for this, Iterations are now inherited down a Group's hierarchy providing each Subgroup and Project the ability to view an Iteration Report scoped to the context in which it is being viewed.
This change also allows Organizations to have more flexibility and control over how they want to use Iterations. They can be configured from the top level Group to align all Groups and Projects on the same schedule or each Subgroup can manage their own Iteration cadence independently of one another.
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