Plan limits for self managed
In %12.6 we introduced a limit for webhooks per project and in %12.8 a limit for webhooks per group. The limits got introduced to avoid too many webhooks to be triggered by one action. The limits can be configured for plans using PlanLimits.
In order to remove the sub_group_webhooks
feature flag we might also want to introduce a base limit that works for self managed instances (!26070 (comment 305853635))
- We can't use plan limits in CE because they are only available in EE. But to move on with the feature flag, we would need to have this for group hooks only which is also an EE feature. So we can relay on plan limits for now
- The documentation says that self managed instances can add limits by executing
Plan.default.limits.update!(group_hooks: 100)
in GitLab Rails console. So we could add a migration that does it if not on