Issues rollup to Shared Group from Shared Projects
Problem to solve
Currently you can share projects with other groups. This makes it possible to add a group of users to a project with a single action, however the shared project does not rollup/share issues with the group its been shared with.
Intended users
- Rachel (Release Manager)
- Parker (Product Manager)
- Delaney (Development Team Lead)
- Sasha (Software Developer)
- Presley (Product Designer)
- Devon (DevOps Engineer)
- Sam (Security Analyst)
- Dana (Data Analyst)
Further details
Say you have SubGroupA with a dev team and you would like them to start work on a ProjectB that happens to be in SubGroupB (separate team and separate permissions), when sharing the project with SubGroupA the issues from ProjectB do not flow up/not shown in SubGroupA and thus the work cannot be tracked for that Subgroup/Team
When a Project is shared with a separate SubGroup, issues should be shared and rollup to the SubGroup its shared with for tracking and visibility.
Mid-Market(MM)- Premium-130 user: Customer Reported: cc: @gweaver