When inputting the OTP at least on iOS the normal keyboard pops up.
I propose to use the inputmode=numeric parameter for the inputfield so the numeric keyboard automatically pops up.
Thats makes it easier to type the OTP in.
@senk our recovery codes are alphanumeric, so we should avoid doing this if it would prohibit letter entry.
Recovery codes are likely to be copy-pasted in, so if this is just a hint that gives a handy control for typing a code in manually, and the control will still accept letters, that's probably ok.
@ogolowinski@peterhegman I tested inputmode=numeric on Android and it doesn't allow me to enter in letters, so I don't think this is a good solution in the case a user needs to use their recovery codes.
Yeah I agree with @dennis. We actually tried to do this a while back in !22868 (merged) and it ended up causing a regression. There is also #198352 which proposes splitting up the OTP and recovery code screens and would allow us to make the OTP field numeric only. That will be quite a bit larger lift though and will require some backend work.