With #196455 (closed) and #196454 (closed), we can start hiding Instance Statistics in the top navbar when this feature's admin-only.
We're not confident that Instance Statistics, as currently displayed in the navbar, is the right place for these features to thrive. We should consider moving them elsewhere or refactor the Instance Statistics area into a more useful tool.
@npost: I mentioned in #196455 (comment 288621556) that moving Value Stream Analytics and Productivity Analytics out of the Instance Statistics area will make IS more or less invisible to non-admins.
This issue considers how we can remove the remaining two features. Is there a place we can move these two features - or can we prove out a vision for the Instance level area dropdown you mocked up elsewhere and iterate in that direction?
@jeremy is the problem here that the navigation is advertising a feature to all users which is a dead-end for all accept admins? Are there other motivations for this?
These are the only 2 features that are present in this view, so the left navbar winds up looking pretty spartan and unmaintained.
The top navbar is quite crowded and hard to make responsive. At the moment, some features are being piled into the "More" dropdown which is suffering from "junk drawer" syndrome.
There may be a place that we need to consider placing instance-level type features, but I think it requires some additional thought. Since I wasn't aware of significant usage behind these remaining features (Cohorts and DevOps Score), I suggested we remove the top icon for now.
A (better) alternative would be doing some design thinking around the right place for these instance-level, more sophisticated capabilities and move them there instead.
I'm not confident that we should deprecate it. The main use case I'm aware of was Customer Success using it to help customers understand their user activity.
It needs improvement, but I don't think that means we throw it out. I also think @amandarueda on Fulfillment was thinking about improving it. I don't think we should remove it from the application.
If our new Analytics telemetry comes back with very low usage of this page, we can definitely reconsider
I agree, I'd like to see use make the cohorts page useful rather than removing it completely. I thought I had opened an issue for this but am not able to find it. I've created a placeholder here: #224691 (closed)
Perhaps we could split [this Cohorts/Devops Score combination issue] and start on the Cohorts move. (source)
@jshackelford good idea. Discussion on this issue seems to have been more focused on Cohorts, so I just moved the Devops Score aspect to a new issue: #224716 (closed).
This issue is being solved in !39368 (merged), therefore I'm moving it to workflow:in review (documentation comes in a follow up MR).
/cc @djensen@wortschi