Group-level Kubernetes clusters information
I have a Group-level Kubernetes clusters created through on AWS.
I have a number of projects within the group.
I am not an expert on kuberenetes for this, before opening a real issue I would like to ask you if the operation I noticed is normal.
I have projects that use auto devops for cluster deployment. For these projects I noticed that roles, secret, rolebinding etc. persist on the cluster also for merge-requests / deploy now closed. Is this normal?
In practice, I also continue to view namespace roles such as:
(merge request now resolved and without an active environment)
I also have projects that don't use auto devops and are released on aws with a gitlab-ci via serverless.
Also for these projects, which do not need to be released on the cluster, I notice that roles, secret, rolebinding etc. are created.
I repeat, I'm not an expert and I don't know if this could be a problem on the cluster nor if there is a way to avoid mainly this second point.
I leave it to you to deduce.
Thank you