The crux of the matter is that the admin would be able to as an existing user, which would look less suspicious in audit logs in e.g. an LDAP configured environment. That user would also potentially have a more believable creation date, commit history, etc. than a newly created instance-local user. Impersonation also allows this, but it is normally clear that impersonation is taking place.
We can process it as a regular ~bug and not as a security fix
I do not agree that this is a bug. The security impacts the integrity of any system which uses LDAP or any other directory tool. It is possible for someone who has gained access to an admin account to promote any user to admin and then perform any number of nefarious actions. It brings to question if Gitlab admins have access to my admin account, similarly to how I have access to users below me, and the actions an unknown Gitlab admin could take inside my "secured" Gitlab world. There is no way of knowing if an action has been taken by the admin or by someone else, or by someone acting in the admins place. Or someone acting in the place of an admin, acting in the place of an admin, who has created a fake admin user. etc.
As an admin in a company, this is a huge security hole.
@wkariniemi What is the biggest concern for you ? It will help make sure we evaluate the priorities correctly.
That an admin can promote, via the admin dashboard, a regular user to admin
That an admin can impersonate another admin
That there is a "double impersonation" bug that could be abused by adminA to act maliciously on behalf of adminB (the scenario detailed in this issue).
When you talk about a GitLab admin, you mean a GitLab employee or the administrator of a self-hosted GitLab instance ?
hello. global admins would have access on GitLab cloud instance (correct me if I am wrong). On local instance, any admin can impersonate any person and submit code change is if they were that person, there would be no history to show this action taking place. for example, if an admin impersonated a person and then impersonated another person from that person. It creates a scenario which cannot be properly audited.
the ability to promote another user to admin can be abused maliciously, in the scenario described. the ability to promote, by itself is not a problem. combined with this untraceable history, it can be a tool for untraceable malicious action.
This is a security vulnerability, must be fixed immediately.
The solution is, when you try to impersonate, it should call leave impersonation method first, then impersonate to the new user. Must be very easy to fix.
Contributions like this are vital to help make GitLab a better product.
We would be grateful for your help in verifying whether your bug report requires further attention from the team. If you think this bug still exists, and is reproducible with the latest stable version of GitLab, please comment on this issue.
This issue has been inactive for more than 12 months now and based on the policy for inactive bugs, will be closed in 7 days.
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