Sometimes some merge requests stay open and are forgotten.
Great would be an option to enable automatic e-mail reminder for open merge requests.
For example set a time limit (in days) for each project. When the last modification-date of the merge request is older than X days, send an email to the one who's the MR assigned and notify him, that there's an open merge request.
@Shivan Thanks for the proposal! I suppose that this would involve a daily job to determine the merge requests that have not been updated since the configured threshold for a project. This could be quite an intensive operation for a large instance like
Mark FletcherAdded ~874211 ~14213 ~13921 ~838198 labels
First of all, thank you for raising an issue to help improve the GitLab product. This issue was labelled as a ~"feature proposal" in the past. In order to maintain order in the issue tracker, we are starting to close off old, unpopular feature proposals that have not gained many votes since opening.
This issue will be marked for closure, as it meets the following criteria:
Created over 1 year ago
Labelled as a ~"feature proposal"
Unscheduled (not associated with a milestone)
Less than 10 upvotes
Thanks for your help and please raise any new feature proposals as a new issue.
Thank for reopening.
We have a big team of developers who work collaboratively on the same repo.
We may have big amounts of merge requests per day, and in this case, some requests might get forgotten.
Setting a time limit on each request with reminders being sent would ease on tracking those lost requests.
I'd really love to see this feature coming to CE. I often have the problem that I have to contact my reviewer on different channels to ask for his / her reviews. An automatic way of reminding would save time for many developers and increase the development flow overall.