Removing an epic also removes all of its nested epics from the current epic only (it doesn't break existing relationships between epics)
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I'm adding GraphQL as we'd like to try using our GraphQL API for this! We will need to add groups and epics to this, for which we might want to create separate MRs / issues.
@digitalmoksha I've opened !10999 (merged) with initial frontend changes to add Tree tab within the Epic page. But we'd need some API help in the MR so that a single call returns list of Epics and their child Issues in a object tree. Feel free to push your backend changes to same MR.
@digitalmoksha and I discussed regarding tree structure that API needs to have and realized that it would be better to have async loading of child nodes whenever a parent node is expanded (similar to Groups Dashboard where we fetch child groups only when a given group is expanded).
Reasoning for doing so is to avoid lookup overhead that might happen when we're querying child epics for N levels of depth because Epic IDs are only unique within a group (eg; Group A can have epic with ID 1 and Group B which is a child of Group A can also have epic with ID 1).
@annabeldunstone What do you think on tree nodes being expanded async?
@kushalpandya That sounds good; I just have one question/reservation- will it be pretty snappy fetching the child epics/issues? I only ask because the sub-groups are almost unusably slow when you expand the parent groups.
@smcgivern It would be pretty easy to gate the backend, but the frontend would have to (I think) leave in the original functionality (of listing epics and issues) - the new code removes that and moves it all into the new tree structure. Since @kushalpandya is traveling right now and will be at Contribute, I'm not sure that's possible or desirable.
Definitely we wouldn't want to disable the GraphQL and Epic feature flags
Update on this: drag and drop has been merged so we're ready to turn the feature flag for this back on. We'll turn it on for gitlab-org today, and look for feedback over the next week or so before turning it on for everyone.