@@ -54,6 +54,12 @@ that are the largest value contributors, overperforming, or underperforming.
You can also drill down the metrics for further analysis.
When you hover over a metric, a tooltip displays an explanation of the metric and a link to the related documentation page.
The monthly values also indicate a percentage increase or decrease compared to the previous month.
The sparkline for the past six months represents value trends over this time period, not the percentage change rate.
The sparkline color ranges from blue to green, where green indicates a positive trend, and blue indicates a negative trend.
Sparklines help you identify patterns in metric trends (such as seasonal changes) over time.
The contributor count metric is available only on GitLab.com at the group-level. To view this metric in the comparison panel, you must [set up ClickHouse](../../integration/clickhouse.md), and enable the [feature flags](../../administration/feature_flags.md)`clickhouse_data_collection` and `event_sync_worker_for_click_house`.