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Commit dcd6025d authored by Aakriti Gupta's avatar Aakriti Gupta :red_circle:
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Update verification implementation docs to reflect the use of a separate verification table

parent c514e2e7
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1 merge request!72895Geo: Document using a separate verification table
......@@ -111,115 +111,9 @@ Geo secondary sites have a [Geo tracking database](
- [ ] Be sure to commit the relevant changes in `ee/db/geo/structure.sql`
### Add verification state fields on the Geo primary site
### Add verification state to the Model
The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable in order for secondaries to verify their own checksums. To do this, Geo requires fields on the Model. There are two ways to add the necessary verification state fields. If the table is large and wide, then it may be a good idea to add verification state fields to a separate table (Option 2). Consult a database expert if needed.
#### Add verification state fields to the model table (Option 1)
- [ ] Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationStateToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationStateToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
change_table(:cool_widgets) do |t|
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_started_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.integer :verification_retry_count, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_retry_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.column :verified_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.binary :verification_checksum, using: 'verification_checksum::bytea'
t.text :verification_failure # rubocop:disable Migration/AddLimitToTextColumns
- [ ] If deviating from the above example, then be sure to order columns according to [our guidelines](
- [ ] If `cool_widgets` is a high-traffic table, follow [the database documentation to use `with_lock_retries`](
- [ ] Adding a `text` column also [requires](../database/ setting a limit. Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationFailureLimitToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationFailureLimitToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'cool_widget_verification_failure_text_limit'
def up
add_text_limit :cool_widget, :verification_failure, 255, constraint_name: CONSTRAINT_NAME
def down
remove_check_constraint(:cool_widget, CONSTRAINT_NAME)
- [ ] Add indexes on verification fields to ensure verification can be performed efficiently. Some or all of these indexes can be omitted if the table is guaranteed to be small. Ask a database expert if you are considering omitting indexes. Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationIndexesToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationIndexesToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_on_verification_state"
PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_pending_verification"
FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_failed_verification"
NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_needs_verification"
def up
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
def down
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
- [ ] Run database migrations:
bin/rake db:migrate
- [ ] Be sure to commit the relevant changes in `db/structure.sql`
#### Add verification state fields to a separate table (Option 2)
The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable so secondaries can verify their own checksums. To do this, Geo requires the Model to have an associated table to track verification state.
- [ ] Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
......@@ -273,6 +167,7 @@ The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable in order for secondaries
- [ ] If deviating from the above example, then be sure to order columns according to [our guidelines](
- [ ] Run database migrations:
......@@ -287,7 +182,14 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
#### Step 1. Implement replication and verification
- [ ] Include `Gitlab::Geo::ReplicableModel` in the `CoolWidget` class, and specify the Replicator class `with_replicator Geo::CoolWidgetReplicator`.
- [ ] Add the following lines to the `cool_widget` model to accomplish some important tasks:
- Include `Gitlab::Geo::ReplicableModel` in the `CoolWidget` class, and specify the Replicator class `with_replicator Geo::CoolWidgetReplicator`.
- Include the `::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState` concern.
- Delegate verification related methods to the `cool_widget_state` model.
- For verification, override some scopes to use the `cool_widget_states` table instead of the model table.
- Implement the `verification_state_object` method to return the object that holds
the verification details
- Override some methods to use the `cool_widget_states` table in verification-related queries.
Pay some attention to method `pool_repository`. Not every repository type uses repository pooling. As Geo prefers to use repository snapshotting, it can lead to data loss. Make sure to overwrite `pool_repository` so it returns nil for repositories that do not have pools.
......@@ -297,6 +199,7 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
# frozen_string_literal: true
class CoolWidget < ApplicationRecord
include ::Gitlab::Geo::ReplicableModel
include ::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState
......@@ -304,31 +207,62 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
mount_uploader :file, CoolWidgetUploader
has_one :cool_widget_state, autosave: false, inverse_of: :cool_widget, class_name: 'Geo::CoolWidgetState'
delegate :verification_retry_at, :verification_retry_at=,
:verified_at, :verified_at=,
:verification_checksum, :verification_checksum=,
:verification_failure, :verification_failure=,
:verification_retry_count, :verification_retry_count=,
:verification_state=, :verification_state,
:verification_started_at=, :verification_started_at,
to: :cool_widget_state
scope :with_verification_state, ->(state) { joins(:cool_widget_state).where(cool_widget_states: { verification_state: verification_state_value(state) }) }
scope :checksummed, -> { joins(:cool_widget_state).where.not(cool_widget_states: { verification_checksum: nil } ) }
scope :not_checksummed, -> { joins(:cool_widget_state).where(cool_widget_states: { verification_checksum: nil } ) }
# Override the `all` default if not all records can be replicated. For an
# example of an existing Model that needs to do this, see
# `EE::MergeRequestDiff`.
# scope :available_replicables, -> { all }
# @param primary_key_in [Range, CoolWidget] arg to pass to primary_key_in scope
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<CoolWidget>] everything that should be synced to this node, restricted by primary key
def self.replicables_for_current_secondary(primary_key_in)
# This issue template does not help you write this method.
# This method is called only on Geo secondary sites. It is called when
# we want to know which records to replicate. This is not easy to automate
# because for example:
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which namespaces # to replicate, per secondary site. Most Models are scoped to a
# namespace, but the nature of the relationship to a namespace varies
# between Models.
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which shards to
# replicate, per secondary site. Repositories are associated with
# shards. Most blob types are not, but Project Uploads are.
# * Remote stored replicables are not replicated, by default. But the
# setting `sync_object_storage` enables replication of remote stored
# replicables.
# Search the codebase for examples, and consult a Geo expert if needed.
def verification_state_object
class_methods do
extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override
# @param primary_key_in [Range, CoolWidget] arg to pass to primary_key_in scope
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<CoolWidget>] everything that should be synced to this node, restricted by primary key
def replicables_for_current_secondary(primary_key_in)
# This issue template does not help you write this method.
# This method is called only on Geo secondary sites. It is called when
# we want to know which records to replicate. This is not easy to automate
# because for example:
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which namespaces # to replicate, per secondary site. Most Models are scoped to a
# namespace, but the nature of the relationship to a namespace varies
# between Models.
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which shards to
# replicate, per secondary site. Repositories are associated with
# shards. Most blob types are not, but Project Uploads are.
# * Remote stored replicables are not replicated, by default. But the
# setting `sync_object_storage` enables replication of remote stored
# replicables.
# Search the codebase for examples, and consult a Geo expert if needed.
override :verification_state_table_class
def verification_state_table_class
# Geo checks this method in FrameworkRepositorySyncService to avoid
......@@ -336,6 +270,11 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
def pool_repository
def cool_widget_state
super || build_cool_widget_state
......@@ -343,6 +282,15 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
- [ ] Implement `CoolWidget.replicables_for_current_secondary` above.
- [ ] Ensure `CoolWidget.replicables_for_current_secondary` is well-tested. Search the codebase for `replicables_for_current_secondary` to find examples of parameterized table specs. You may need to add more `FactoryBot` traits.
- [ ] Add the following shared examples to `ee/spec/models/ee/cool_widget_spec.rb`:
include_examples 'a replicable model with a separate table for verification state' do
let(:verifiable_model_record) { build(:cool_widget) } # add extra params if needed to make sure the record is included in `available_verifiables`
let(:unverifiable_model_record) { build(:cool_widget) } # add extra params if needed to make sure the record is NOT included in `available_verifiables`
- [ ] Create `ee/app/replicators/geo/cool_widget_replicator.rb`. Implement the `#repository` method which should return a `<Repository>` instance, and implement the class method `.model` to return the `CoolWidget` class:
......@@ -529,13 +477,7 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
- [ ] Make sure the factory also allows setting a `project` attribute. If the model does not have a direct relation to a project, you can use a `transient` attribute. Check out `spec/factories/merge_request_diffs.rb` for an example.
##### If you added verification state fields to a separate table (option 2 above), then you need to make additional model and factory changes
If you did not add verification state fields to a separate table, `cool_widget_states`, then skip to [Step 2. Implement metrics gathering](#step-2-implement-metrics-gathering).
Otherwise, you can follow [the example of Merge Request Diffs](
- [ ] Add a `Geo::CoolWidgetState` model in `ee/app/models/geo/cool_widget_state.rb`:
- [ ] Following [the example of Merge Request Diffs]( add a `Geo::CoolWidgetState` model in `ee/app/models/ee/geo/cool_widget_state.rb`:
``` ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
......@@ -569,63 +511,6 @@ Otherwise, you can follow [the example of Merge Request Diffs](
- [ ] Add the following lines to the `cool_widget` model to accomplish some important tasks:
- Include the `::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState` concern.
- Delegate verification related methods to the `cool_widget_state` model.
- Override some scopes to use the `cool_widget_states` table instead of the model table, for verification.
- Override some methods to use the `cool_widget_states` table in verification related queries.
class CoolWidget < ApplicationRecord
include ::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState
has_one :cool_widget_state, autosave: true, inverse_of: :cool_widget, class_name: 'Geo::CoolWidgetState'
delegate :verification_retry_at, :verification_retry_at=,
:verified_at, :verified_at=,
:verification_checksum, :verification_checksum=,
:verification_failure, :verification_failure=,
:verification_retry_count, :verification_retry_count=,
:verification_state=, :verification_state,
:verification_started_at=, :verification_started_at,
to: :cool_widget_state
scope :with_verification_state, ->(state) { joins(:cool_widget_state).where(cool_widget_states: { verification_state: verification_state_value(state) }) }
scope :checksummed, -> { joins(:cool_widget_state).where.not(cool_widget_states: { verification_checksum: nil } ) }
scope :not_checksummed, -> { joins(:cool_widget_state).where(cool_widget_states: { verification_checksum: nil } ) }
class_methods do
extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override
override :verification_state_table_name
def verification_state_table_name
override :verification_state_model_key
def verification_state_model_key
override :verification_arel_table
def verification_arel_table
def cool_widget_state
super || build_cool_widget_state
#### Step 2. Implement metrics gathering
Metrics are gathered by `Geo::MetricsUpdateWorker`, persisted in `GeoNodeStatus` for display in the UI, and sent to Prometheus:
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ It is also a good idea to first open a proof-of-concept merge request. It can be
You can look into the following examples of MRs for implementing replication/verification for a new blob type:
- [Add db changes]( and [add verification for MR diffs using SSF](
- [Verify Terraform state versions](
- [Verify LFS objects](
### Modify database schemas to prepare to add Geo support for Cool Widgets
......@@ -114,113 +115,9 @@ Geo secondary sites have a [Geo tracking database](
### Add verification state fields on the Geo primary site
The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable in order for secondaries to verify their own checksums. To do this, Geo requires fields on the Model. There are two ways to add the necessary verification state fields. If the table is large and wide, then it may be a good idea to add verification state fields to a separate table (Option 2). Consult a database expert if needed.
The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable so secondaries can verify their own checksums. To do this, Geo requires fields on the Model. Add verification state fields to a separate table. Consult a database expert if needed.
#### Add verification state fields to the model table (Option 1)
- [ ] Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationStateToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationStateToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def change
change_table(:cool_widgets) do |t|
t.integer :verification_state, default: 0, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_started_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.integer :verification_retry_count, limit: 2, null: false
t.column :verification_retry_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.column :verified_at, :datetime_with_timezone
t.binary :verification_checksum, using: 'verification_checksum::bytea'
t.text :verification_failure # rubocop:disable Migration/AddLimitToTextColumns
- [ ] If deviating from the above example, then be sure to order columns according to [our guidelines](
- [ ] If `cool_widgets` is a high-traffic table, follow [the database documentation to use `with_lock_retries`](
- [ ] Adding a `text` column also [requires](../database/ setting a limit. Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationFailureLimitToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationFailureLimitToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
CONSTRAINT_NAME = 'cool_widget_verification_failure_text_limit'
def up
add_text_limit :cool_widget, :verification_failure, 255, constraint_name: CONSTRAINT_NAME
def down
remove_check_constraint(:cool_widget, CONSTRAINT_NAME)
- [ ] Add indexes on verification fields to ensure verification can be performed efficiently. Some or all of these indexes can be omitted if the table is guaranteed to be small. Ask a database expert if you are considering omitting indexes. Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
bin/rails generate migration AddVerificationIndexesToCoolWidgets
- [ ] Replace the contents of the migration file with:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class AddVerificationIndexesToCoolWidgets < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers
VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_on_verification_state"
PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_pending_verification"
FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_failed_verification"
NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME = "index_cool_widgets_needs_verification"
def up
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_state, name: VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verified_at, where: "(verification_state = 0)", order: { verified_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_retry_at, where: "(verification_state = 3)", order: { verification_retry_at: 'ASC NULLS FIRST' }, name: FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
add_concurrent_index :cool_widgets, :verification_state, where: "(verification_state = 0 OR verification_state = 3)", name: NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
def down
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, VERIFICATION_STATE_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, PENDING_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, FAILED_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
remove_concurrent_index_by_name :cool_widgets, NEEDS_VERIFICATION_INDEX_NAME
- [ ] Run database migrations:
bin/rake db:migrate
- [ ] Be sure to commit the relevant changes in `db/structure.sql`
#### Add verification state fields to a separate table (Option 2)
#### Add verification state fields to a new table
- [ ] Create the migration file in `db/migrate`:
......@@ -274,12 +171,15 @@ The Geo primary site needs to checksum every replicable in order for secondaries
- [ ] If deviating from the above example, then be sure to order columns according to [our guidelines](
- [ ] Run database migrations:
bin/rake db:migrate
- [ ] If `cool_widgets` is a high-traffic table, follow [the database documentation to use `with_lock_retries`](
- [ ] Be sure to commit the relevant changes in `db/structure.sql`
That's all of the required database changes.
......@@ -288,14 +188,22 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
#### Step 1. Implement replication and verification
- [ ] Include `Gitlab::Geo::ReplicableModel` in the `CoolWidget` class, and specify the Replicator class `with_replicator Geo::CoolWidgetReplicator`.
- [ ] Add the following lines to the `cool_widget` model to accomplish some important tasks:
- Include `Gitlab::Geo::ReplicableModel` in the `CoolWidget` class, and specify the Replicator class `with_replicator Geo::CoolWidgetReplicator`.
- Include the `::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState` concern.
- Delegate verification related methods to the `cool_widget_state` model.
- For verification, override some scopes to use the `cool_widget_states` table instead of the model table.
- Implement the `verification_state_object` method to return the object that holds
the verification details
- Override some methods to use the `cool_widget_states` table in verification-related queries.
At this point the `CoolWidget` class should look like this:
# frozen_string_literal: true
class CoolWidget < ApplicationRecord
include ::Gitlab::Geo::ReplicableModel
include ::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState
......@@ -303,38 +211,84 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
mount_uploader :file, CoolWidgetUploader
has_one :cool_widget_state, autosave: false, inverse_of: :cool_widget, class_name: 'Geo::CoolWidgetState'
delegate :verification_retry_at, :verification_retry_at=,
:verified_at, :verified_at=,
:verification_checksum, :verification_checksum=,
:verification_failure, :verification_failure=,
:verification_retry_count, :verification_retry_count=,
:verification_state=, :verification_state,
:verification_started_at=, :verification_started_at,
to: :cool_widget_state
scope :with_verification_state, ->(state) { joins(:cool_widget_state).where(cool_widget_states: { verification_state: verification_state_value(state) }) }
scope :checksummed, -> { joins(:cool_widget_state).where.not(cool_widget_states: { verification_checksum: nil } ) }
scope :not_checksummed, -> { joins(:cool_widget_state).where(cool_widget_states: { verification_checksum: nil } ) }
# Override the `all` default if not all records can be replicated. For an
# example of an existing Model that needs to do this, see
# `EE::MergeRequestDiff`.
# scope :available_replicables, -> { all }
# @param primary_key_in [Range, CoolWidget] arg to pass to primary_key_in scope
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<CoolWidget>] everything that should be synced to this node, restricted by primary key
def self.replicables_for_current_secondary(primary_key_in)
# This issue template does not help you write this method.
# This method is called only on Geo secondary sites. It is called when
# we want to know which records to replicate. This is not easy to automate
# because for example:
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which namespaces # to replicate, per secondary site. Most Models are scoped to a
# namespace, but the nature of the relationship to a namespace varies
# between Models.
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which shards to
# replicate, per secondary site. Repositories are associated with
# shards. Most blob types are not, but Project Uploads are.
# * Remote stored replicables are not replicated, by default. But the
# setting `sync_object_storage` enables replication of remote stored
# replicables.
# Search the codebase for examples, and consult a Geo expert if needed.
def verification_state_object
class_methods do
extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override
# @param primary_key_in [Range, CoolWidget] arg to pass to primary_key_in scope
# @return [ActiveRecord::Relation<CoolWidget>] everything that should be synced to this node, restricted by primary key
def self.replicables_for_current_secondary(primary_key_in)
# This issue template does not help you write this method.
# This method is called only on Geo secondary sites. It is called when
# we want to know which records to replicate. This is not easy to automate
# because for example:
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which namespaces # to replicate, per secondary site. Most Models are scoped to a
# namespace, but the nature of the relationship to a namespace varies
# between Models.
# * The "selective sync" feature allows admins to choose which shards to
# replicate, per secondary site. Repositories are associated with
# shards. Most blob types are not, but Project Uploads are.
# * Remote stored replicables are not replicated, by default. But the
# setting `sync_object_storage` enables replication of remote stored
# replicables.
# Search the codebase for examples, and consult a Geo expert if needed.
override :verification_state_table_class
def verification_state_table_class
def cool_widget_state
super || build_cool_widget_state
- [ ] Implement `CoolWidget.replicables_for_current_secondary` above.
- [ ] Ensure `CoolWidget.replicables_for_current_secondary` is well-tested. Search the codebase for `replicables_for_current_secondary` to find examples of parameterized table specs. You may need to add more `FactoryBot` traits.
- [ ] Add the following shared examples to `ee/spec/models/ee/cool_widget_spec.rb`:
include_examples 'a replicable model with a separate table for verification state' do
let(:verifiable_model_record) { build(:cool_widget) } # add extra params if needed to make sure the record is included in `available_verifiables`
let(:unverifiable_model_record) { build(:cool_widget) } # add extra params if needed to make sure the record is NOT included in `available_verifiables`
- [ ] Create `ee/app/replicators/geo/cool_widget_replicator.rb`. Implement the `#carrierwave_uploader` method which should return a `CarrierWave::Uploader`, and implement the class method `.model` to return the `CoolWidget` class:
......@@ -498,13 +452,7 @@ That's all of the required database changes.
- [ ] Make sure the factory also allows setting a `project` attribute. If the model does not have a direct relation to a project, you can use a `transient` attribute. Check out `spec/factories/merge_request_diffs.rb` for an example.
##### If you added verification state fields to a separate table (option 2 above), then you need to make additional model and factory changes
If you did not add verification state fields to a separate table, `cool_widget_states`, then skip to [Step 2. Implement metrics gathering](#step-2-implement-metrics-gathering).
Otherwise, you can follow [the example of Merge Request Diffs](
- [ ] Add a `Geo::CoolWidgetState` model in `ee/app/models/ee/geo/cool_widget_state.rb`:
- [ ] Following [the example of Merge Request Diffs]( add a `Geo::CoolWidgetState` model in `ee/app/models/ee/geo/cool_widget_state.rb`:
``` ruby
module Geo
......@@ -536,63 +484,6 @@ Otherwise, you can follow [the example of Merge Request Diffs](
- [ ] Add the following lines to the `cool_widget` model to accomplish some important tasks:
- Include the `::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState` concern.
- Delegate verification related methods to the `cool_widget_state` model.
- Override some scopes to use the `cool_widget_states` table instead of the model table, for verification.
- Override some methods to use the `cool_widget_states` table in verification related queries.
class CoolWidget < ApplicationRecord
include ::Gitlab::Geo::VerificationState
has_one :cool_widget_state, autosave: true, inverse_of: :cool_widget, class_name: 'Geo::CoolWidgetState'
delegate :verification_retry_at, :verification_retry_at=,
:verified_at, :verified_at=,
:verification_checksum, :verification_checksum=,
:verification_failure, :verification_failure=,
:verification_retry_count, :verification_retry_count=,
:verification_state=, :verification_state,
:verification_started_at=, :verification_started_at,
to: :cool_widget_state
scope :with_verification_state, ->(state) { joins(:cool_widget_state).where(cool_widget_states: { verification_state: verification_state_value(state) }) }
scope :checksummed, -> { joins(:cool_widget_state).where.not(cool_widget_states: { verification_checksum: nil } ) }
scope :not_checksummed, -> { joins(:cool_widget_state).where(cool_widget_states: { verification_checksum: nil } ) }
class_methods do
extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override
override :verification_state_table_name
def verification_state_table_name
override :verification_state_model_key
def verification_state_model_key
override :verification_arel_table
def verification_arel_table
def cool_widget_state
super || build_cool_widget_state
#### Step 2. Implement metrics gathering
Metrics are gathered by `Geo::MetricsUpdateWorker`, persisted in `GeoNodeStatus` for display in the UI, and sent to Prometheus:
0% Loading or .
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