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Verified Commit b4e21809 authored by Mark Florian's avatar Mark Florian :two:
Browse files

Add command line interface to script

This makes using the script locally much easier.

- Adds help text.
- Adds an --all option, for checking all quarantined specs.
- Adds an --stdio option, so Jest writes to normal stdio instead of to
parent c739367d
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1 merge request!174250Make scripts/frontend/check_jest_vue3_quarantine.js more useful locally
#!/usr/bin/env node
const { spawnSync } = require('node:child_process');
const { readFile, open, stat } = require('node:fs/promises');
const { join, relative } = require('node:path');
const { readFile, open, stat, mkdir } = require('node:fs/promises');
const { join, relative, dirname } = require('node:path');
const defaultChalk = require('chalk');
const program = require('commander');
const { getLocalQuarantinedFiles } = require('./jest_vue3_quarantine_utils');
// Always use basic color output
const chalk = new defaultChalk.constructor({ level: 1 });
const ROOT = join(__dirname, '..', '..');
const IS_CI = Boolean(process.env.CI);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
const JEST_JSON_OUTPUT = './jest_results.json';
const DIR = IS_CI ? ROOT : join(ROOT, 'tmp/tests/frontend');
const JEST_JSON_OUTPUT = join(DIR, 'jest_results.json');
const JEST_STDOUT = join(DIR, 'jest_stdout');
const JEST_STDERR = join(DIR, 'jest_stderr');
// Force basic color output in CI
const chalk = new defaultChalk.constructor({ level: IS_CI ? 1 : undefined });
let quarantinedFiles;
let filesThatChanged;
async function parseResults() {
const root = join(__dirname, '..', '..');
function parseArguments() {
.usage('[options] <SPEC ...>')
Checks whether Jest specs quarantined under Vue 3 should be unquarantined.
Usage examples
In CI:
# Check quarantined files which were affected by changes in the merge request.
$ scripts/frontend/check_jest_vue3_quarantine.js
# Check all quarantined files, still subject to sharding/fixture separation.
# Useful for tier 3 pipelines, or when dependencies change.
$ scripts/frontend/check_jest_vue3_quarantine.js --all
# Run all quarantined files, including those which need fixtures.
$ scripts/frontend/check_jest_vue3_quarantine.js --all
# Run a particular spec
$ scripts/frontend/check_jest_vue3_quarantine.js spec/frontend/foo_spec.js
# Run specs in this branch that were modified since master
$ scripts/frontend/check_jest_vue3_quarantine.js $(git diff master... --name-only)
# Write to stdio normally instead of to temporary files
$ scripts/frontend/check_jest_vue3_quarantine.js --stdio spec/frontend/foo_spec.js
'Run all quarantined specs. Good for local testing, or in CI when configuration files have changed.',
`Let Jest write to stdout/stderr as normal. By default, it writes to ${JEST_STDOUT} and ${JEST_STDERR}. Should not be used in CI, as it can exceed maximum job log size.`,
let invalidArgumentsMessage;
if (!IS_CI) {
if (!program.all && program.args.length === 0) {
invalidArgumentsMessage =
'No spec files to check!\n\nWhen run locally, either add the --all option, or a list of spec files to check.';
if (program.all && program.args.length > 0) {
invalidArgumentsMessage = `Do not pass arguments in addition to the --all option.`;
if (invalidArgumentsMessage) {
async function parseResults() {
let results;
try {
results = JSON.parse(await readFile(JEST_JSON_OUTPUT, 'UTF-8'));
......@@ -29,7 +102,7 @@ async function parseResults() {
return results.testResults.reduce((acc, { name, status }) => {
if (status === 'passed') {
acc.push(relative(root, name));
acc.push(relative(ROOT, name));
return acc;
......@@ -56,6 +129,11 @@ function reportSpecsShouldBeUnquarantined(files) {
async function changedFiles() {
if (!IS_CI) {
// We're not in CI, so `detect-tests` artifacts won't be available.
return [];
const files = await Promise.all(
......@@ -80,7 +158,13 @@ function intersection(a, b) {
async function getRemovedQuarantinedSpecs() {
const removedQuarantinedSpecs = [];
for (const file of intersection(filesThatChanged, quarantinedFiles)) {
const filesToCheckIfTheyExist = IS_CI
? // In CI, only check quarantined files the author has touched
intersection(filesThatChanged, quarantinedFiles)
: // Locally, check all quarantined files
for (const file of filesToCheckIfTheyExist) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await stat(file);
......@@ -92,11 +176,66 @@ async function getRemovedQuarantinedSpecs() {
return removedQuarantinedSpecs;
function getTestArguments() {
if (IS_CI) {
const ciArguments = (touchedFiles) => [
// Explicitly have one shard, so that the `shard` method of the sequencer is called.
return program.all
? // Pretend that all quarantined files were touched. This ensures
// we still rely on FixtureCISequencer behavior.
: // Run only tests affected by changes in the merge request.
if (program.all) {
return ['--runTestsByPath', ...quarantinedFiles];
if (program.args.length > 0) {
const specs = program.args.filter((spec) => {
const isQuarantined = quarantinedFiles.has(relative(ROOT, spec));
if (!isQuarantined) console.warn(`Omitting file as it is not in quarantine list: ${spec}`);
return isQuarantined;
if (specs.length === 0) {
console.warn(`No quarantined specs to run!`);
return ['--runTestsByPath', ...specs];
// ESLint's consistent-return rule requires something like this.
return ['--this-should-never-happen-and-jest-should-fail'];
async function getStdio() {
if (program.stdio) {
return 'inherit';
await mkdir(dirname(JEST_STDOUT), { recursive: true });
const jestStdout = (await open(JEST_STDOUT, 'w')).createWriteStream();
const jestStderr = (await open(JEST_STDERR, 'w')).createWriteStream();
return ['inherit', jestStdout, jestStderr];
async function main() {
filesThatChanged = await changedFiles();
quarantinedFiles = new Set(await getLocalQuarantinedFiles());
const jestStdout = (await open('jest_stdout', 'w')).createWriteStream();
const jestStderr = (await open('jest_stderr', 'w')).createWriteStream();
console.log('Running quarantined specs...');
......@@ -117,19 +256,13 @@ async function main() {
// Explicitly have one shard, so that the `shard` method of the sequencer is called.
stdio: ['inherit', jestStdout, jestStderr],
stdio: await getStdio(),
env: {
......@@ -144,6 +277,7 @@ async function main() {
if (filesToReport.length === 0) {
// No tests ran, or there was some unexpected error. Either way, exit
// successfully.
console.warn('No spec files need to be removed from quarantine.');
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