-title:"ContainerRegistrypull-throughcache"# (required) Actionable title. e.g., The `confidential` field for a `Note` is deprecated. Use `internal` instead.
announcement_milestone:"15.8"# (required) The milestone when this feature was first announced as deprecated.
announcement_date:"2023-01-22"# (required) The date of the milestone release when this feature was first announced as deprecated. This should almost always be the 22nd of a month (YYYY-MM-22), unless you did an out of band blog post.
removal_milestone:"16.0"# (required) The milestone when this feature is planned to be removed
removal_date:"2023-05-22"# (required) The date of the milestone release when this feature is planned to be removed. This should almost always be the 22nd of a month (YYYY-MM-22), unless you did an out of band blog post.
breaking_change:true# (required) If this deprecation is a breaking change, set this value to true
reporter:trizzi# (required) GitLab username of the person reporting the deprecation
stage:Package# (required) String value of the stage that the feature was created in. e.g., Growth
issue_url:https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/container-registry/-/issues/842# (required) Link to the deprecation issue in GitLab
body:|# (required) Do not modify this line, instead modify the lines below.
The Container Registry pull-through cache is deprecated in GitLab 15.8 and will be removed in GitLab 16.0. While the Container Registry pull-through cache functionality is useful, we have not made significant changes to this feature. You can use the upstream version of the container registry to achieve the same functionality. Removing the pull-through cache allows us also to remove the upstream client code without sacrificing functionality.
This is a [breaking change](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/development/deprecation_guidelines/).
Review the details carefully before upgrading.
The Container Registry pull-through cache is deprecated in GitLab 15.8 and will be removed in GitLab 16.0. While the Container Registry pull-through cache functionality is useful, we have not made significant changes to this feature. You can use the upstream version of the container registry to achieve the same functionality. Removing the pull-through cache allows us also to remove the upstream client code without sacrificing functionality.