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Verified Commit 9fcafc61 authored by Timo Furrer's avatar Timo Furrer :juggling:
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Add new `Terraform-Module.gitlab-ci.yml` CI/CD template

This change set introduces a new CI/CD template named
`Terraform-Module.gitlab-ci.yml` which can be used to easily deploy a
Terraform Module to the GitLab Terraform Registry.

Prior to this change the documentation contained a pipeline snippet
which could be used to achieve the same. This is a little cumbersome for
users though and it would be nice if that snippet would just exist as a
template - that's what this MR does ;)

The template comes as a *pipeline* and *job* template which makes it
easy to adapt to more complex use-cases like deploying multiple
Terraform Modules from the same pipeline.

This change set also contains the relevant new template metrics and
specs for the new templates.

Changelog: added
MR: !110493
parent c8098e8c
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This commit is part of merge request !110493. Comments created here will be created in the context of that merge request.
......@@ -107,6 +107,38 @@ Where `<namespace>` is the [namespace](../../../user/namespace/ of the
## Publish a Terraform module by using CI/CD
> CI/CD template [introduced]( in GitLab 15.9.
### Use a CI/CD template (recommended)
You can use the [`Terraform-Module.gitlab-ci.yml`](
or the advanced [`Terraform/Module-Base.gitlab-ci.yml`](
CI/CD template to publish a Terraform module to the GitLab Terraform Registry:
template: Terraform-Module.gitlab-ci.yml
The pipeline contains the following jobs:
- `fmt` - Validate the formatting of the Terraform module.
- `kics-iac-sast` - Test the Terraform module for security issues.
- `deploy` - For tag pipelines only. Deploy the Terraform module to the GitLab Terraform Registry.
#### Pipeline variables
You can configure the pipeline with the following variables:
| Variable | Default | Description |
| `TERRAFORM_MODULE_DIR` | `${CI_PROJECT_DIR}` | The relative path to the root directory of the Terraform project. |
| `TERRAFORM_MODULE_NAME` | `${CI_PROJECT_NAME}` | The name of your Terraform module. Must not contain any spaces or underscores. |
| `TERRAFORM_MODULE_SYSTEM` | `local` | The system or provider of your Terraform module targets. For example, `local`, `aws`, `google`. |
| `TERRAFORM_MODULE_VERSION` | `${CI_COMMIT_TAG}` | The Terraform module version. You should follow the semantic versioning specification. |
### Deploy manually via CI/CD
To work with Terraform modules in [GitLab CI/CD](../../../ci/, you can use
`CI_JOB_TOKEN` in place of the personal access token in your commands.
......@@ -114,21 +146,21 @@ For example, this job uploads a new module for the `local` [system provider](htt
- upload
- deploy
stage: upload
stage: deploy
image: curlimages/curl:latest
TERRAFORM_MODULE_DIR: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} # The path to your Terraform module
TERRAFORM_MODULE_NAME: ${CI_PROJECT_NAME} # The name of your Terraform module
TERRAFORM_MODULE_SYSTEM: local # The system or provider your Terraform module targets (ex. local, aws, google)
TERRAFORM_MODULE_VERSION: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} # Tag commits with SemVer for the version of your Terraform module to be published
TERRAFORM_MODULE_DIR: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} # The relative path to the root directory of the Terraform project.
TERRAFORM_MODULE_NAME: ${CI_PROJECT_NAME} # The name of your Terraform module, must not have any spaces or underscores (will be translated to hyphens).
TERRAFORM_MODULE_SYSTEM: local # The system or provider your Terraform module targets (ex. local, aws, google).
TERRAFORM_MODULE_VERSION: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} # The version - it's recommended to follow SemVer for Terraform Module Versioning.
- TERRAFORM_MODULE_NAME=$(echo "${TERRAFORM_MODULE_NAME}" | tr " _" -) # module-name must not have spaces or underscores, so translate them to hyphens
- 'curl --fail-with-body --location --header "JOB-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}"
# To contribute improvements to CI/CD templates, please follow the Development guide at:
# This specific template is located at:
- template: Terraform/Module-Base.gitlab-ci.yml #
- template: Jobs/SAST-IaC.gitlab-ci.yml #
- validate
- test
- deploy
extends: .terraform-module:fmt
# See the included job template at `Terraform/Module-Base.gitlab-ci.yml` to learn about supported variables.
extends: .terraform-module:deploy
# Terraform/Module-Base
# The purpose of this template is to provide flexibility to the user so
# they are able to only include the jobs that they find interesting.
# Therefore, this template is not supposed to run any jobs. The idea is to only
# create hidden jobs. See:
# There is a more opinionated template which we suggest the users to abide,
# which is the lib/gitlab/ci/templates/Terraform-Module.gitlab-ci.yml
# These variables may be overridden by the pipeline including it to control how the Terraform module is being deployed.
TERRAFORM_MODULE_DIR: ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} # The relative path to the root directory of the Terraform project.
TERRAFORM_MODULE_NAME: ${CI_PROJECT_NAME} # The name of your Terraform module, must not have any spaces or underscores (will be translated to hyphens).
TERRAFORM_MODULE_SYSTEM: local # The system or provider your Terraform module targets (ex. local, aws, google).
TERRAFORM_MODULE_VERSION: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG} # The version - it's recommended to follow SemVer for Terraform Module Versioning.
stage: validate
name: hashicorp/terraform:latest
entrypoint: ['']
script: terraform -chdir="${TERRAFORM_MODULE_DIR}" fmt -check -diff -recursive
allow_failure: true
stage: deploy
image: curlimages/curl:latest
- TERRAFORM_MODULE_NAME=$(echo "${TERRAFORM_MODULE_NAME}" | tr " _" -) # module-name must not have spaces or underscores, so translate them to hyphens
# Builds the Terraform module artifact: a gzipped tar archive with the contents from `$TERRAFORM_MODULE_DIR` without a `.git` directory.
# Uploads the Terraform module artifact to the GitLab Terraform Module Registry, see
# docs/user/packages/terraform_module_registry/index.html#publish-a-terraform-module
- 'curl --fail-with-body --location --header "JOB-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}"
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Terraform/Module-Base.gitlab-ci.yml', feature_category: :continuous_integration do
subject(:template) { Gitlab::Template::GitlabCiYmlTemplate.find('Terraform/Module-Base') }
describe 'the created pipeline' do
let(:default_branch) { 'main' }
let(:pipeline_branch) { default_branch }
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :custom_repo, files: { '' => '' }) }
let(:user) { project.first_owner }
let(:service) {, user, ref: pipeline_branch) }
let(:pipeline) { service.execute(:push).payload }
let(:build_names) { pipeline.builds.pluck(:name) }
before do
allow(project).to receive(:default_branch).and_return(default_branch)
it 'does not create any jobs' do
expect(build_names).to be_empty
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'Terraform-Module.gitlab-ci.yml', feature_category: :continuous_integration do
before do
allow(Gitlab::Template::GitlabCiYmlTemplate).to receive(:excluded_patterns).and_return([])
subject(:template) { Gitlab::Template::GitlabCiYmlTemplate.find('Terraform-Module') }
shared_examples 'on any branch' do
it 'creates fmt and kics job', :aggregate_failures do
expect(pipeline.errors).to be_empty
expect(build_names).to include('fmt', 'kics-iac-sast')
it 'does not create a deploy job', :aggregate_failures do
expect(pipeline.errors).to be_empty
expect(build_names).not_to include('deploy')
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :repository, create_branch: 'patch-1', create_tag: '1.0.0') }
let_it_be(:user) { project.first_owner }
describe 'the created pipeline' do
let(:default_branch) { project.default_branch_or_main }
let(:service) {, user, ref: pipeline_ref) }
let(:pipeline) { service.execute(:push).payload }
let(:build_names) { pipeline.builds.pluck(:name) }
before do
allow_next_instance_of(Ci::BuildScheduleWorker) do |instance|
allow(instance).to receive(:perform).and_return(true)
allow(project).to receive(:default_branch).and_return(default_branch)
context 'when on default branch' do
let(:pipeline_ref) { default_branch }
it_behaves_like 'on any branch'
context 'when outside the default branch' do
let(:pipeline_ref) { 'patch-1' }
it_behaves_like 'on any branch'
context 'when on tag' do
let(:pipeline_ref) { '1.0.0' }
it 'creates fmt and deploy job', :aggregate_failures do
expect(pipeline.errors).to be_empty
expect(build_names).to include('fmt', 'deploy')
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