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Commit 7fb3dcc9 authored by Pavel Shutsin's avatar Pavel Shutsin :two:
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Remove obsolete column for DevOps analytics

Changelog: removed
parent 0e0f4d3c
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1 merge request!71907Remove obsolete column for DevOps analytics
# frozen_string_literal: true
class RemoveAnalyticsSnapshotsSegmentIdColumn < Gitlab::Database::Migration[1.0]
def up
remove_column :analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots, :segment_id
def down
add_column :analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots, :segment_id, :bigint, after: :id
add_concurrent_foreign_key :analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots, :analytics_devops_adoption_segments,
column: :segment_id, name: 'fk_rails_25da9a92c0', on_delete: :cascade
add_concurrent_index :analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots, [:segment_id, :end_time], name: :index_on_snapshots_segment_id_end_time
add_concurrent_index :analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots, [:segment_id, :recorded_at], name: :index_on_snapshots_segment_id_recorded_at
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -9912,7 +9912,6 @@ ALTER SEQUENCE analytics_devops_adoption_segments_id_seq OWNED BY analytics_devo
CREATE TABLE analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots (
id bigint NOT NULL,
segment_id bigint,
recorded_at timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
issue_opened boolean NOT NULL,
merge_request_opened boolean NOT NULL,
......@@ -25914,10 +25913,6 @@ CREATE INDEX index_on_projects_lower_path ON projects USING btree (lower((path):
CREATE INDEX index_on_routes_lower_path ON routes USING btree (lower((path)::text));
CREATE INDEX index_on_snapshots_segment_id_end_time ON analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots USING btree (segment_id, end_time);
CREATE INDEX index_on_snapshots_segment_id_recorded_at ON analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots USING btree (segment_id, recorded_at);
CREATE INDEX index_on_users_lower_email ON users USING btree (lower((email)::text));
CREATE INDEX index_on_users_lower_username ON users USING btree (lower((username)::text));
......@@ -28604,9 +28599,6 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY incident_management_oncall_rotations
ALTER TABLE ONLY ci_unit_test_failures
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_259da3e79c FOREIGN KEY (unit_test_id) REFERENCES ci_unit_tests(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ONLY analytics_devops_adoption_snapshots
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_25da9a92c0 FOREIGN KEY (segment_id) REFERENCES analytics_devops_adoption_segments(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ONLY cluster_agents
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_25e9fc2d5d FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
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