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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit 76d7c111 authored by Valery Sizov's avatar Valery Sizov
Browse files

Merge branch 'ce_upstream' into 'master'

CE upstream

See merge request !437
parents 161a8b10 49bd4172
No related branches found
No related tags found
1 merge request!437CE upstream
Pipeline #
with 521 additions and 204 deletions
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Style/EmptyLines:
# Keep blank lines around access modifiers.
Enabled: false
Enabled: true
# Keeps track of empty lines around block bodies.
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ v 8.8.1
- Add documentation for the "Health Check" feature
- Allow anonymous users to access a public project's pipelines
v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
- Bulk assign/unassign labels to issues.
- Allow enabling wiki page events from Webhook management UI
- Make EmailsOnPushWorker use Sidekiq mailers queue
- Fix wiki page events' webhook to point to the wiki repository
......@@ -17,6 +18,8 @@ v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
- Fix groups API to list only user's accessible projects
- Redesign account and email confirmation emails
- Use gitlab-shell v3.0.0
- Add `sha` parameter to MR merge API, to ensure only reviewed changes are merged
- Don't allow MRs to be merged when commits were added since the last review / page load
- Add DB index on users.state
- Add rake task 'gitlab:db:configure' for conditionally seeding or migrating the database
- Changed the Slack build message to use the singular duration if necessary (Aran Koning)
......@@ -33,15 +36,37 @@ v 8.9.0 (unreleased)
- Add Application Setting to configure Container Registry token expire delay (default 5min)
- Cache assigned issue and merge request counts in sidebar nav
- Cache project build count in sidebar nav
- Reduce number of queries needed to render issue labels in the sidebar
- Improve error handling importing projects
- Put project Files and Commits tabs under Code tab
- Replace Colorize with Rainbow for coloring console output in Rake tasks.
v 8.8.4
- Fix todos page throwing errors when you have a project pending deletion
- Reduce number of SQL queries when rendering user references
v 8.8.4 (unreleased)
- Ensure branch cleanup regardless of whether the GitHub import process succeeds
- Fix issue with arrow keys not working in search autocomplete dropdown
v 8.8.3
- Fix incorrect links on pipeline page when merge request created from fork
- Fix gitlab importer failing to import new projects due to missing credentials
- Fix serious performance bug with rendering Markdown with InlineDiffFilter
- Fix import URL migration not rescuing with the correct Error
- In search results, only show notes on confidential issues that the user has access to
- Fix health check access token changing due to old application settings being used
- Fix wiki project clone address error (chujinjin)
- Fix 404 page when viewing TODOs that contain milestones or labels in different projects. !4312
- Fixed JS error when trying to remove discussion form. !4303
- Fixed issue with button color when no CI enabled. !4287
- Fixed potential issue with 2 CI status polling events happening. !3869
- Improve design of Pipeline view. !4230
- Fix gitlab importer failing to import new projects due to missing credentials. !4301
- Fix import URL migration not rescuing with the correct Error. !4321
- Fix health check access token changing due to old application settings being used. !4332
- Make authentication service for Container Registry to be compatible with Docker versions before 1.11. !4363
- Add Application Setting to configure Container Registry token expire delay (default 5 min). !4364
- Pass the "Remember me" value to the 2FA token form. !4369
- Fix incorrect links on pipeline page when merge request created from fork. !4376
- Use downcased path to container repository as this is expected path by Docker. !4420
- Fix wiki project clone address error (chujinjin). !4429
- Fix serious performance bug with rendering Markdown with InlineDiffFilter. !4392
- Fix missing number on generated ordered list element. !4437
- Prevent disclosure of notes on confidential issues in search results.
v 8.8.2
- Added remove due date button. !4209
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ The designs are made using Antetype (`.atype` files). You can use the
[free Antetype viewer (Mac OSX only)] or grab an exported PNG from the design
(the PNG is 1:1).
The current designs can be found in the [`gitlab1.atype` file].
The current designs can be found in the [`gitlab8.atype` file].
### UI development kit
......@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ tests are least likely to receive timely feedback. The workflow to make a merge
request is as follows:
1. Fork the project into your personal space on
1. Create a feature branch
1. Create a feature branch, branch away from `master`.
1. Write [tests]( and code
1. Add your changes to the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG)
1. If you are writing documentation, make sure to read the [documentation styleguide][doc-styleguide]
......@@ -530,4 +530,4 @@ available at [](http://contributor
[scss-styleguide]: doc/development/ "SCSS styleguide"
[free Antetype viewer (Mac OSX only)]:
[`gitlab1.atype` file]:
[`gitlab8.atype` file]:
......@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ gem 'redis-namespace'
gem "httparty", '~> 0.13.3'
# Colored output to console
gem "colorize", '~> 0.7.0'
gem "rainbow", '~> 2.1.0'
# GitLab settings
gem 'settingslogic', '~> 2.0.9'
......@@ -850,7 +850,6 @@ DEPENDENCIES
carrierwave (~> 0.10.0)
charlock_holmes (~> 0.7.3)
coffee-rails (~> 4.1.0)
colorize (~> 0.7.0)
connection_pool (~> 2.0)
coveralls (~> 0.8.2)
creole (~> 0.5.0)
......@@ -947,6 +946,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
rack-oauth2 (~> 1.2.1)
rails (= 4.2.6)
rails-deprecated_sanitizer (~> 1.0.3)
rainbow (~> 2.1.0)
raphael-rails (~> 2.1.2)
rdoc (~> 3.6)
class @AwardsHandler
constructor: (@getEmojisUrl, @postEmojiUrl, @noteableType, @noteableId, @unicodes) ->
$('.js-add-award').on 'click', (event) =>
constructor: ->
@aliases = emojiAliases()
.off 'click', '.js-add-award'
.on 'click', '.js-add-award', (event) =>
@showEmojiMenu $(event.currentTarget)
$('html').on 'click', (event) ->
if !$('.emoji-menu').length
unless $('.emoji-menu').length
if $('.emoji-menu').is(':visible')
$('').removeClass 'is-active'
$('.emoji-menu').removeClass 'is-visible'
.off 'click'
.on 'click', '.js-emoji-btn', @handleClick
.off 'click', '.js-emoji-btn'
.on 'click', '.js-emoji-btn', @handleClick
handleClick: (e) ->
handleClick: (e) =>
emoji = $(this)
.data 'emoji'
if emoji is 'thumbsup' and awardsHandler.didUserClickEmoji $(this), 'thumbsdown'
awardsHandler.addAward 'thumbsdown'
emoji = $(e.currentTarget).find('.icon').data 'emoji'
@getVotesBlock().addClass 'js-awards-block'
@addAward @getAwardUrl(), emoji
else if emoji is 'thumbsdown' and awardsHandler.didUserClickEmoji $(this), 'thumbsup'
awardsHandler.addAward 'thumbsup'
awardsHandler.addAward emoji
showEmojiMenu: ($addBtn) ->
$(this).trigger 'blur'
$menu = $('.emoji-menu')
didUserClickEmoji: (that, emoji) ->
if $(that).siblings("button:has([data-emoji=#{emoji}])").attr('data-original-title')
$(that).siblings("button:has([data-emoji=#{emoji}])").attr('data-original-title').indexOf('me') > -1
if $menu.length
$holder = $addBtn.closest('.js-award-holder')
showEmojiMenu: ->
if $('.emoji-menu').length
if $('.emoji-menu').is '.is-visible'
$('.emoji-menu').removeClass 'is-visible'
if $ '.is-visible'
$addBtn.removeClass 'is-active'
$menu.removeClass 'is-visible'
$('.emoji-menu').addClass 'is-visible'
$addBtn.addClass 'is-active'
@positionMenu($menu, $addBtn)
$menu.addClass 'is-visible'
$('.js-add-award').addClass 'is-loading'
$.get @getEmojisUrl, (response) =>
$('.js-add-award').removeClass 'is-loading'
$('.js-award-holder').append response
$addBtn.addClass 'is-loading is-active'
url = $ 'award-menu-url'
@createEmojiMenu url, =>
$addBtn.removeClass 'is-loading'
$menu = $('.emoji-menu')
@positionMenu($menu, $addBtn)
setTimeout =>
$('.emoji-menu').addClass 'is-visible'
$menu.addClass 'is-visible'
, 200
addAward: (emoji) ->
@postEmoji emoji, =>
createEmojiMenu: (awardMenuUrl, callback) ->
$.get awardMenuUrl, (response) =>
$('body').append response
positionMenu: ($menu, $addBtn) ->
position = $'position')
# The menu could potentially be off-screen or in a hidden overflow element
# So we position the element absolute in the body
css =
top: "#{$addBtn.offset().top + $addBtn.outerHeight()}px"
if position? and position is 'right'
css.left = "#{($addBtn.offset().left - $menu.outerWidth()) + 20}px"
$menu.addClass 'is-aligned-right'
css.left = "#{$addBtn.offset().left}px"
$menu.removeClass 'is-aligned-right'
addAward: (awardUrl, emoji, checkMutuality = yes) ->
emoji = @normilizeEmojiName(emoji)
@postEmoji awardUrl, emoji, =>
@addAwardToEmojiBar(emoji, checkMutuality)
$('.js-awards-block-current').removeClass 'js-awards-block-current'
$('.emoji-menu').removeClass 'is-visible'
addAwardToEmojiBar: (emoji) ->
addAwardToEmojiBar: (emoji, checkForMutuality = yes) ->
@checkMutuality emoji if checkForMutuality
if @exist(emoji)
if @isActive(emoji)
emoji = @normilizeEmojiName(emoji)
$emojiBtn = @findEmojiIcon(emoji).parent()
if $emojiBtn.length > 0
if @isActive($emojiBtn)
@decrementCounter($emojiBtn, emoji)
counter = @findEmojiIcon(emoji).siblings('.js-counter')
counter = $emojiBtn.find('.js-counter')
counter.text(parseInt(counter.text()) + 1)
exist: (emoji) ->
@findEmojiIcon(emoji).length > 0
isActive: (emoji) ->
decrementCounter: (emoji) ->
counter = @findEmojiIcon(emoji).siblings('.js-counter')
emojiIcon = counter.parent()
if parseInt(counter.text()) > 1
counter.text(parseInt(counter.text()) - 1)
else if emoji == 'thumbsup' || emoji == 'thumbsdown'
getVotesBlock: -> return $ '.awards.js-awards-block'
getAwardUrl: -> @getVotesBlock().data 'award-url'
checkMutuality: (emoji) ->
awardUrl = @getAwardUrl()
if emoji in [ 'thumbsup', 'thumbsdown' ]
mutualVote = if emoji is 'thumbsup' then 'thumbsdown' else 'thumbsup'
isAlreadyVoted = $("[data-emoji=#{mutualVote}]").parent().hasClass 'active'
@addAward awardUrl, mutualVote, no if isAlreadyVoted
isActive: ($emojiBtn) -> $emojiBtn.hasClass 'active'
decrementCounter: ($emojiBtn, emoji) ->
isntNoteBody = $emojiBtn.closest('.note-body').length is 0
counter = $('.js-counter', $emojiBtn)
counterNumber = parseInt(counter.text())
if !isntNoteBody
# If this is a note body, we just hide the award emoji row like the initial state
$emojiBtn.closest('.js-awards-block').addClass 'hidden'
if counterNumber > 1
counter.text(counterNumber - 1)
@removeMeFromUserList($emojiBtn, emoji)
else if (emoji == 'thumbsup' || emoji == 'thumbsdown') && isntNoteBody
@removeMeFromUserList($emojiBtn, emoji)
getAwardTooltip: ($awardBlock) ->
return $awardBlock.attr('data-original-title') or $awardBlock.attr('data-title')
removeMeFromUserList: ($emojiBtn, emoji) ->
awardBlock = $emojiBtn
originalTitle = @getAwardTooltip awardBlock
authors = originalTitle.split ', '
authors.splice authors.indexOf('me'), 1
newAuthors = authors.join ', '
removeMeFromAuthorList: (emoji) ->
awardBlock = @findEmojiIcon(emoji).parent()
authors = awardBlock
.split(', ')
.attr('data-original-title', authors.join(', '))
.closest '.js-emoji-btn'
.removeData 'original-title'
.removeData 'title'
.attr 'data-original-title', newAuthors
.attr 'data-title', newAuthors
addMeToAuthorList: (emoji) ->
addMeToUserList: (emoji) ->
awardBlock = @findEmojiIcon(emoji).parent()
origTitle = awardBlock.attr('data-original-title').trim()
authors = []
origTitle = @getAwardTooltip awardBlock
users = []
if origTitle
authors = origTitle.split(', ')
awardBlock.attr('data-original-title', authors.join(', '))
users = origTitle.trim().split(', ')
awardBlock.attr('title', users.join(', '))
resetTooltip: (award) ->
# "destroy" call is asynchronous and there is no appropriate callback on it, this is why we need to set timeout.
# 'destroy' call is asynchronous and there is no appropriate callback on it, this is why we need to set timeout.
setTimeout (->
), 200
createEmoji: (emoji) ->
emojiCssClass = @resolveNameToCssClass(emoji)
nodes = []
"<button class='btn award-control js-emoji-btn has-tooltip active' data-original-title='me'>",
"<div class='icon emoji-icon #{emojiCssClass}' data-emoji='#{emoji}'></div>",
"<span class='award-control-text js-counter'>1</span>",
.data('emoji', emoji)
createEmoji_: (emoji) ->
emojiCssClass = @resolveNameToCssClass emoji
buttonHtml = "<button class='btn award-control js-emoji-btn has-tooltip active' title='me' data-placement='bottom'>
<div class='icon emoji-icon #{emojiCssClass}' data-emoji='#{emoji}'></div>
<span class='award-control-text js-counter'>1</span>
emoji_node = $(buttonHtml)
.insertBefore '.js-awards-block .js-award-holder:not(.js-award-action-btn)'
.find '.emoji-icon'
.data 'emoji', emoji
$currentBlock = $ '.js-awards-block'
if $ '.hidden'
$currentBlock.removeClass 'hidden'
createEmoji: (emoji) ->
return @createEmoji_ emoji if $('.emoji-menu').length
awardMenuUrl = gl.awardMenuUrl or '/emojis'
@createEmojiMenu awardMenuUrl, => @createEmoji emoji
resolveNameToCssClass: (emoji) ->
emojiIcon = $(".emoji-menu-content [data-emoji='#{emoji}']")
if emojiIcon.length > 0
unicodeName ='unicode-name')
emoji_icon = $(".emoji-menu-content [data-emoji='#{emoji}']")
if emoji_icon.length > 0
unicodeName ='unicode-name')
# Find by alias
unicodeName = $(".emoji-menu-content [data-aliases*=':#{emoji}:']").data('unicode-name')
return "emoji-#{unicodeName}"
postEmoji: (emoji, callback) ->
$.post @postEmojiUrl, { note: {
note: ":#{emoji}:"
noteable_type: @noteableType
noteable_id: @noteableId
}},(data) ->
postEmoji: (awardUrl, emoji, callback) ->
$.post awardUrl, { name: emoji }, (data) ->
if data.ok
findEmojiIcon: (emoji) ->
$(".awards > .js-emoji-btn [data-emoji='#{emoji}']")
$(".js-awards-block.awards > .js-emoji-btn [data-emoji='#{emoji}']")
scrollToAwards: ->
$('body, html').animate({
scrollTop: $('.awards').offset().top - 80
}, 200)
normilizeEmojiName: (emoji) ->
@aliases[emoji] || emoji
addEmojiToFrequentlyUsedList: (emoji) ->
frequentlyUsedEmojis = @getFrequentlyUsedEmojis()
$.cookie('frequently_used_emojis', frequentlyUsedEmojis.join(','), { expires: 365 })
frequently_used_emojis = @getFrequentlyUsedEmojis()
$.cookie('frequently_used_emojis', frequently_used_emojis.join(','), { expires: 365 })
getFrequentlyUsedEmojis: ->
frequentlyUsedEmojis = ($.cookie('frequently_used_emojis') || '').split(',')
frequently_used_emojis = ($.cookie('frequently_used_emojis') || '').split(',')
renderFrequentlyUsedBlock: ->
if $.cookie('frequently_used_emojis')
frequentlyUsedEmojis = @getFrequentlyUsedEmojis()
frequently_used_emojis = @getFrequentlyUsedEmojis()
ul = $('<ul>')
ul = $("<ul class='clearfix emoji-menu-list'>")
for emoji in frequentlyUsedEmojis
do (emoji) ->
$(".emoji-menu-content [data-emoji='#{emoji}']").closest('li').clone().appendTo(ul)
for emoji in frequently_used_emojis
$(".emoji-menu-content [data-emoji='#{emoji}']").closest('li').clone().appendTo(ul)
$('input.emoji-search').after(ul).after($('<h5>').text('Frequently used'))
setupSearch: ->
$('input.emoji-search').keyup (ev) =>
$('input.emoji-search').on 'keyup', (ev) =>
term = $(
# Clean previous search results
......@@ -204,12 +303,12 @@ class @AwardsHandler
if term
# Generate a search result block
h5 = $('<h5>').text('Search results').addClass('emoji-search')
foundEmojis = @searchEmojis(term).show()
ul = $('<ul>').addClass('emoji-menu-list emoji-menu-search').append(foundEmojis)
found_emojis = @searchEmojis(term).show()
ul = $('<ul>').addClass('emoji-menu-list emoji-menu-search').append(found_emojis)
$('.emoji-menu-content ul, .emoji-menu-content h5').hide()
searchEmojis: (term)->
$(".emoji-menu-content [data-emoji*='#{term}']").closest("li").clone()
$(".emoji-menu-content [data-emoji*='#{term}']").closest('li').clone()
......@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ class Dispatcher
switch page
when 'projects:issues:index'
new IssuableBulkActions()
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsNavigation()
when 'projects:issues:show'
new Issue()
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssuable()
new ZenMode()
window.awardsHandler = new AwardsHandler()
when 'projects:milestones:show', 'groups:milestones:show', 'dashboard:milestones:show'
new Milestone()
when 'dashboard:todos:index'
......@@ -52,6 +54,7 @@ class Dispatcher
new Diff()
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssuable(true)
new ZenMode()
window.awardsHandler = new AwardsHandler()
when "projects:merge_requests:diffs"
new Diff()
new ZenMode()
class @Flash
constructor: (message, type)->
constructor: (message, type = 'alert')->
@flash = $(".flash-container")
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ class GitLabDropdownFilter
$inputContainer = @input.parent()
$clearButton = $inputContainer.find('.js-dropdown-input-clear')
@indeterminateIds = []
# Clear click
$clearButton.on 'click', (e) =>
......@@ -35,20 +37,20 @@ class GitLabDropdownFilter
if keyCode is 13
return false
clearTimeout timeout
timeout = setTimeout =>
blur_field = @shouldBlur keyCode
search_text = @input.val()
# Only filter asynchronously only if option remote is set
if @options.remote
clearTimeout timeout
timeout = setTimeout =>
blur_field = @shouldBlur keyCode
if blur_field and @filterInputBlur
if blur_field and @filterInputBlur
if @options.remote
@options.query search_text, (data) =>
@options.query @input.val(), (data) =>
@filter search_text
, 250
, 250
@filter @input.val()
shouldBlur: (keyCode) ->
return BLUR_KEYCODES.indexOf(keyCode) >= 0
......@@ -142,6 +144,7 @@ class GitLabDropdown
LOADING_CLASS = "is-loading"
PAGE_TWO_CLASS = "is-page-two"
ACTIVE_CLASS = "is-active"
INDETERMINATE_CLASS = "is-indeterminate"
currentIndex = -1
FILTER_INPUT = '.dropdown-input .dropdown-input-field'
......@@ -182,9 +185,6 @@ class GitLabDropdown
@fullData = data
@parseData @fullData
if @options.filterable
@filterInput.trigger 'keyup'
# Init filterable
......@@ -298,6 +298,13 @@ class GitLabDropdown
opened: =>
if @options.setIndeterminateIds
# Makes indeterminate items effective
if @fullData and @dropdown.find('.dropdown-menu-toggle').hasClass('js-filter-bulk-update')
@parseData @fullData
contentHtml = $('.dropdown-content', @dropdown).html()
if @remote && contentHtml is ""
......@@ -309,12 +316,18 @@ class GitLabDropdown
hidden: (e) =>
$input = @dropdown.find(".dropdown-input-field")
if @options.filterable
# Triggering 'keyup' will re-render the dropdown which is not always required
# specially if we want to keep the state of the dropdown needed for bulk-assignment
if not @options.persistWhenHide
if @dropdown.find(".dropdown-toggle-page").length
$('.dropdown-menu', @dropdown).removeClass PAGE_TWO_CLASS
......@@ -358,7 +371,7 @@ class GitLabDropdown
if @options.renderRow
# Call the render function
html = @options.renderRow(data)
html =, data, @)
if not selected
value = if then else
......@@ -443,6 +456,17 @@ class GitLabDropdown
$(@el).find(".dropdown-toggle-text").text @options.toggleLabel
else if el.hasClass(INDETERMINATE_CLASS)
el.addClass ACTIVE_CLASS
if not value?
if not field.length and fieldName
@addInput(fieldName, value)
return selectedObject
if not @options.multiSelect or el.hasClass('dropdown-clear-active')
@dropdown.find(".#{ACTIVE_CLASS}").removeClass ACTIVE_CLASS
......@@ -459,31 +483,42 @@ class GitLabDropdown
$(@el).find(".dropdown-toggle-text").text @options.toggleLabel(selectedObject, el)
if value?
if !field.length and fieldName
# Create hidden input for form
input = "<input type='hidden' name='#{fieldName}' value='#{value}' />"
if @options.inputId?
input = $(input)
.attr('id', @options.inputId)
@dropdown.before input
@addInput(fieldName, value)
field.val value
return selectedObject
selectRowAtIndex: (index) ->
selector = ".dropdown-content li:not(.divider):eq(#{index}) a"
addInput: (fieldName, value)->
# Create hidden input for form
$input = $('<input>').attr('type', 'hidden')
.attr('name', fieldName)
if @options.inputId?
$input.attr('id', @options.inputId)
@dropdown.before $input
selectRowAtIndex: (e, index) ->
selector = ".dropdown-content li:not(.divider,.dropdown-header,.separator):eq(#{index}) a"
if @dropdown.find(".dropdown-toggle-page").length
selector = ".dropdown-page-one #{selector}"
# simulate a click on the first link
$(selector, @dropdown).trigger "click"
$el = $(selector, @dropdown)
if $el.length
$(selector, @dropdown)[0].click()
addArrowKeyEvent: ->
ARROW_KEY_CODES = [38, 40]
$input = @dropdown.find(".dropdown-input-field")
selector = '.dropdown-content li:not(.divider)'
selector = '.dropdown-content li:not(.divider,.dropdown-header,.separator)'
if @dropdown.find(".dropdown-toggle-page").length
selector = ".dropdown-page-one #{selector}"
......@@ -511,8 +546,8 @@ class GitLabDropdown
return false
if currentKeyCode is 13
@selectRowAtIndex if currentIndex < 0 then 0 else currentIndex
if currentKeyCode is 13 and currentIndex isnt -1
@selectRowAtIndex e, currentIndex
removeArrayKeyEvent: ->
$('body').off 'keydown'
class @IssuableBulkActions
constructor: (opts = {}) ->
# Set defaults
@container = $('.content')
@form = @getElement('.bulk-update')
@issues = @getElement('.issues-list .issue')
} = opts
getElement: (selector) ->
@container.find selector
bindEvents: ->'submit').on('submit', @onFormSubmit.bind(@))
onFormSubmit: (e) ->
submit: ->
_this = @
xhr = $.ajax
url: @form.attr 'action'
method: @form.attr 'method'
dataType: 'JSON',
data: @getFormDataAsObject()
xhr.done (response, status, xhr) ->
location.reload() ->
new Flash("Issue update failed")
xhr.always @onFormSubmitAlways.bind(@)
onFormSubmitAlways: ->
getSelectedIssues: ->
getLabelsFromSelection: ->
labels = []
@getSelectedIssues().map ->
_labels = $(@).data('labels')
if _labels (labelId) ->
labels.push(labelId) if labels.indexOf(labelId) is -1
* Will return only labels that were marked previously and the user has unmarked
* @return {Array} Label IDs
getUnmarkedIndeterminedLabels: ->
result = []
labelsToKeep = []
for el in @getElement('.labels-filter .is-indeterminate')
labelsToKeep.push $(el).data('labelId')
for id in @getLabelsFromSelection()
# Only the ones that we are not going to keep
result.push(id) if labelsToKeep.indexOf(id) is -1
* Simple form serialization, it will return just what we need
* Returns key/value pairs from form data
getFormDataAsObject: ->
formData =
state_event : @form.find('input[name="update[state_event]"]').val()
assignee_id : @form.find('input[name="update[assignee_id]"]').val()
milestone_id : @form.find('input[name="update[milestone_id]"]').val()
issues_ids : @form.find('input[name="update[issues_ids]"]').val()
add_label_ids : []
remove_label_ids : []
@getLabelsToApply().map (id) ->
formData.update.add_label_ids.push id
@getLabelsToRemove().map (id) ->
formData.update.remove_label_ids.push id
getLabelsToApply: ->
labelIds = []
$labels = @form.find('.labels-filter input[name="update[label_ids][]"]')
$labels.each (k, label) ->
labelIds.push $(label).val() if label
* Just an alias of @getUnmarkedIndeterminedLabels
* @return {Array} Array of labels
getLabelsToRemove: ->
class @LabelsSelect
constructor: ->
_this = @
$('.js-label-select').each (i, dropdown) ->
$dropdown = $(dropdown)
projectId = $'project-id')
......@@ -196,10 +198,18 @@ class @LabelsSelect
callback data
renderRow: (label) ->
removesAll = is 0 or not
renderRow: (label, instance) ->
$li = $('<li>')
$a = $('<a href="#">')
selectedClass = []
removesAll = is 0 or not
if $dropdown.hasClass('js-filter-bulk-update')
indeterminate = instance.indeterminateIds
if indeterminate.indexOf( isnt -1
selectedClass.push 'is-indeterminate'
if $form.find("input[type='hidden']\
......@@ -230,13 +240,17 @@ class @LabelsSelect
colorEl = ''
<a href='#' class='#{selectedClass.join(' ')}'>
filterable: true
# We need to identify which items are actually labels
$a.addClass(selectedClass.join(' '))
.html("#{colorEl} #{_.escape(label.title)}")
# Return generated html
persistWhenHide: $'persistWhenHide')
fields: ['title']
selectable: true
......@@ -280,10 +294,19 @@ class @LabelsSelect
else if $dropdown.hasClass('js-filter-submit')
if not $dropdown.hasClass 'js-filter-bulk-update'
if $dropdown.hasClass('js-filter-bulk-update')
# If we are persisting state we need the classes
if not @options.persistWhenHide
$dropdown.parent().find('.is-active, .is-indeterminate').removeClass()
multiSelect: $dropdown.hasClass 'js-multiselect'
clicked: (label) ->
if $dropdown.hasClass('js-filter-bulk-update')
page = $('body').data 'page'
isIssueIndex = page is 'projects:issues:index'
isMRIndex = page is 'projects:merge_requests:index'
......@@ -298,4 +321,31 @@ class @LabelsSelect
setIndeterminateIds: ->
if @dropdown.find('.dropdown-menu-toggle').hasClass('js-filter-bulk-update')
@indeterminateIds = _this.getIndeterminateIds()
bindEvents: ->
$('body').on 'change', '.selected_issue', @onSelectCheckboxIssue
onSelectCheckboxIssue: ->
return if $('.selected_issue:checked').length
# Remove inputs
$('.issues_bulk_update .labels-filter input[type="hidden"]').remove()
# Also restore button text
$('.issues_bulk_update .labels-filter .dropdown-toggle-text').text('Label')
getIndeterminateIds: ->
label_ids = []
$('.selected_issue:checked').each (i, el) ->
issue_id = $(el).data('id')
label_ids.push $("#issue_#{issue_id}").data('labels')
window.emojiAliases = ->
JSON.parse('<%= Gitlab::AwardEmoji.aliases.to_json %>')
......@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ class @Notes
if note.award
# render note if it not present in loaded list
......@@ -156,11 +156,14 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
# No need to enable anything if user is not logged in
return if !gon.current_user_id
_this = @
@loadingSuggestions = false
unless @dropdown.hasClass('open')
_this = @
@loadingSuggestions = false
onSearchInputKeyDown: =>
# Saves last length of the entered text
......@@ -191,7 +194,7 @@ class @SearchAutocomplete
# We should display the menu only when input is not empty
@enableAutocomplete() if e.keyCode isnt KEYCODE.ENTER
@wrap.toggleClass 'has-value', !!
......@@ -232,9 +232,8 @@
a {
padding-left: 25px;
&.is-active {
&.is-indeterminate, &.is-active {
&::before {
content: "\f00c";
position: absolute;
left: 5px;
top: 50%;
......@@ -246,6 +245,14 @@
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
&.is-indeterminate::before {
content: "\f068";
&.is-active::before {
content: "\f00c";
......@@ -2,18 +2,10 @@
* Generic mixins
@mixin box-shadow($shadow) {
-webkit-box-shadow: $shadow;
-moz-box-shadow: $shadow;
-ms-box-shadow: $shadow;
-o-box-shadow: $shadow;
box-shadow: $shadow;
@mixin border-radius($radius) {
-webkit-border-radius: $radius;
-moz-border-radius: $radius;
-ms-border-radius: $radius;
-o-border-radius: $radius;
border-radius: $radius;
.awards {
line-height: 34px;
.emoji-icon {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
......@@ -9,8 +7,6 @@
.emoji-menu {
position: absolute;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
margin-top: 3px;
z-index: 1000;
min-width: 160px;
......@@ -23,7 +19,12 @@
opacity: 0;
transform: scale(.2);
transform-origin: 0 -45px;
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.87,-.41,.19,1.44);
transition: .3s cubic-bezier(.87,-.41,.19,1.44);
transition-property: transform, opacity;
&.is-aligned-right {
transform-origin: 100% -45px;
&.is-visible {
pointer-events: all;
......@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@
&.is-loading {
.award-control-icon {
.award-control-icon-normal {
display: none;
......@@ -3,12 +3,7 @@
background: #111;
color: #fff;
font-family: $monospace_font;
white-space: pre;
white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */
white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */
white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */
white-space: -o-pre-wrap; /* Opera 7 */
word-wrap: break-word; /* Internet Explorer 5.5+ */
white-space: pre-wrap;
overflow: auto;
overflow-y: hidden;
font-size: 12px;
......@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
margin-top: 6px;
p {
overflow-x: auto;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
......@@ -158,13 +158,11 @@
.search-holder {
@media (min-width: $screen-sm-min) {
display: -webkit-flex;
display: -ms-flexbox;
display: flex;
.search-field-holder {
-webkit-flex: 1 0 auto;
-ms-flex: 1 0 auto;
flex: 1 0 auto;
position: relative;
margin-right: 0;
0% Loading or .
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