<!-- Set the correct label and milestone using autocomplete for guidance. Please @mention only the DRI(s) for each stage or group rather than an entire department. -->
/label ~"release post" ~"release post item" ~"Technical Writing" ~devops:: ~group:: ~"release post item::deprecation"
/label ~"type::maintenance"
/milestone %
/assign `@EM/PM` (choose the DRI; remove backticks here, and below)
<!-- Set the correct label and milestone using autocomplete for guidance. Please @mention only the DRI(s) for each stage or group rather than an entire department. -->
/label ~"release post" ~"release post item" ~"Technical Writing" ~devops:: ~group:: ~"release post item::removal"
/label ~"type::maintenance"
/milestone %
/assign `@EM/PM` (choose the DRI; remove backticks here, and below)