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Commit 5d426a4a authored by Sascha Eggenberger's avatar Sascha Eggenberger :speech_balloon:
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Secondary email removal: Use tertiary button with trash icon

Changelog: changed
parent 32210c49
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1 merge request!163910Secondary email removal: Use tertiary button with trash icon
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
= render, size: 64, class: 'gl-mr-3')
%li _('Profile page:') _('Profile page:')
= link_to user_path(@user) do
= @user.username
......@@ -24,30 +24,30 @@
= render 'admin/users/user_detail_note'
= render { class: 'gl-mb-5' }, body_options: { class: 'gl-py-2'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
= _('Account:')
= _('Account')
- c.with_body do
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Name:') _('Name:')
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Username:') _('Username:')
%strong= @user.username
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Email:') _('Email:')
%strong= render partial: 'shared/email_with_badge', locals: { email: mail_to(, verified: @user.confirmed? }
%li{ class: list_item_classes, data: { testid: 'email-confirmation-code-last-sent-at' } } s_('UserProfile|Email confirmation code last sent at:') s_('UserProfile|Email confirmation code last sent at:')
%strong= @user.confirmation_sent_at&.to_fs(:medium) || _('never')
- if email_verification_token_expired?(email_sent_at: @user.confirmation_sent_at )
%span= _('(code expired)')
%li{ class: list_item_classes, data: { testid: 'email-verification-code-last-sent-at' } } s_('UserProfile|Locked account email verification code last sent at:') s_('UserProfile|Locked account email verification code last sent at:')
%strong= @user.locked_at&.to_fs(:medium) || _('never')
- if email_verification_token_expired?(email_sent_at: @user.locked_at)
......@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@
- @user.emails.reject(&:user_primary_email?).each do |email|
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Secondary email:') _('Secondary email:')
%strong= render partial: 'shared/email_with_badge', locals: { email:, verified: email.confirmed? }
= link_button_to nil, remove_email_admin_user_path(@user, email), data: { confirm: _("Are you sure you want to remove %{email}?") % { email: }, 'confirm-btn-variant': 'danger' }, method: :delete, class: 'gl-float-right', title: _('Remove secondary email'), id: "remove_email_#{}", variant: :danger, size: :small, icon: 'close'
= link_button_to nil, remove_email_admin_user_path(@user, email), data: { confirm: _("Are you sure you want to remove %{email}?") % { email: }, 'confirm-btn-variant': 'danger' }, method: :delete, class: 'gl-float-right has-tooltip', title: _('Remove secondary email'), id: "remove_email_#{}", category: :tertiary, size: :small, icon: 'remove'
%li{ class: list_item_classes } ID: ID:
%strong{ data: { testid: 'user-id-content' } }=
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Namespace ID:') _('Namespace ID:')
%strong= @user.namespace_id
%li.two-factor-status{ class: list_item_classes } _('Two-factor Authentication:') _('Two-factor Authentication:')
%strong{ class: @user.two_factor_enabled? ? 'gl-text-success' : 'gl-text-danger' }
- if @user.two_factor_enabled?
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
= render_if_exists 'admin/namespace_plan_info', namespace: @user.namespace
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('External User:') _('External User:')
%strong= @user.external? ? _('Yes') : _('No')
......@@ -89,64 +89,64 @@
= render_if_exists 'admin/users/enterprise_group', user: @user
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Can create top level groups:') _('Can create top level groups:')
%strong= @user.allow_user_to_create_group_and_project? && @user.can_create_group ? _('Yes') : _('No')
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Private profile:') _('Private profile:')
%strong= @user.private_profile ? _('Yes') : _('No')
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Personal projects limit:') _('Personal projects limit:')
%strong= @user.projects_limit
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Member since:') _('Member since:')
%strong= @user.created_at.to_fs(:medium)
- if @user.confirmed_at
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Confirmed at:') _('Confirmed at:')
%strong= @user.confirmed_at.to_fs(:medium)
- else
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Confirmed:') _('Confirmed:')
.gl-col-span-2 _('No')
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Current sign-in IP:') _('Current sign-in IP:')
%strong= @user.current_sign_in_ip || _('never')
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Current sign-in at:') _('Current sign-in at:')
%strong= @user.current_sign_in_at&.to_fs(:medium) || _('never')
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Last sign-in IP:') _('Last sign-in IP:')
%strong= @user.last_sign_in_ip || _('never')
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Last sign-in at:') _('Last sign-in at:')
%strong= @user.last_sign_in_at&.to_fs(:medium) || _('never')
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Sign-in count:') _('Sign-in count:')
%strong= @user.sign_in_count
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _("Highest role:") _("Highest role:")
%strong= Gitlab::Access.human_access_with_none(@user.highest_role)
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _("Email reset removed at:") _("Email reset removed at:")
%strong= @user.email_reset_offered_at || _('never')
......@@ -154,13 +154,13 @@
- if @user.ldap_user?
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('LDAP uid:') _('LDAP uid:')
%strong= @user.ldap_identity.extern_uid
- if @user.created_by
%li{ class: list_item_classes } _('Created by:') _('Created by:')
%strong= link_to, [:admin, @user.created_by]
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- credit_card_validation = user.credit_card_validation
= render { class: 'gl-mb-5' }, body_options: { class: 'gl-py-0'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
= _('Credit card:')
= _('Credit card')
- if local_assigns[:link_to_match_page] && credit_card_validation&.holder_name_hash
= link_to card_match_admin_user_path(user) do
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- phone_number_validation = user.phone_number_validation
= render { class: 'gl-mb-5' }, body_options: { class: 'gl-py-0'}) do |c|
- c.with_header do
= _('Phone:')
= _('Phone')
- if local_assigns[:link_to_match_page] && phone_number_validation&.phone_number
= link_to phone_match_admin_user_path(user) do
......@@ -2936,9 +2936,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Account and limit"
msgstr ""
msgid "Account:"
msgstr ""
msgid "Account: %{account}"
msgstr ""
......@@ -16257,13 +16254,13 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CredentialsInventory|SSH Keys"
msgstr ""
msgid "Credit card required to be on file in order to run CI jobs"
msgid "Credit card"
msgstr ""
msgid "Credit card validation record saved"
msgid "Credit card required to be on file in order to run CI jobs"
msgstr ""
msgid "Credit card:"
msgid "Credit card validation record saved"
msgstr ""
msgid "Critical - S1"
......@@ -39078,9 +39075,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Phone"
msgstr ""
msgid "Phone:"
msgstr ""
msgid "PhoneVerification|Enter a valid code."
msgstr ""
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