@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@ or you can hide it. To configure it:
| Option | Description |
| ------ | ----------- |
| Enable What's new: All tiers | What's new presents new features from all tiers to help you keep track of all new features. |
| Enable What's new: Current tier only | What's new presents new features for your current subscription tier, while hiding new features not available to your subscription tier. |
| Disable What's new | What's new is disabled and can no longer be viewed. |
| Enable What's new: All tiers | Presents new features from all tiers. |
| Enable What's new: Current tier only | Presents new features for your current subscription tier, and hides new features outside of your tier. |
| Disable What's new | Disables this feature, so it's no longer displayed under the **{question}** icon. |
@@ -94,18 +94,20 @@ document from the Kubernetes team also has some great points regarding this.
Commit messages should follow the guidelines below, for reasons explained by Chris Beams in [How to Write a Git Commit Message](https://cbea.ms/git-commit/):
- The commit subject and body must be separated by a blank line.
- The commit subject must start with a capital letter.
- The commit subject must not be longer than 72 characters.
- The commit subject must not end with a period.
- The commit body must not contain more than 72 characters per line.
- The commit subject or body must not contain Emojis.
- The merge request should not contain more than 10 commit messages.
- Commits that change 30 or more lines across at least 3 files should
describe these changes in the commit body.
- The commit subject
- and body must be separated by a blank line.
- must start with a capital letter.
- should contain at least 3 words.
- must not be longer than 72 characters.
- must not end with a period.
- The commit body
- must not contain more than 72 characters per line.
- or subject must not contain Emojis.
- Use issues and merge requests' full URLs instead of short references,
as they are displayed as plain text outside of GitLab.
- The merge request should not contain more than 10 commit messages.
- The commit subject should contain at least 3 words.
**Important notes:**
@@ -205,25 +207,17 @@ requirements.
### MR Merge
what it does...
#### Description
1. Clear title and description explaining the relevancy of the contribution.
1. Description includes any steps or setup required to ensure reviewers can view the changes you've made (for example, include any information about feature flags).
1. Working and clean code that is commented where needed.
1. The change is evaluated to [limit the impact of far-reaching work](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/#reducing-the-impact-of-far-reaching-work).
1. Testing:
-[Unit, integration, and system tests](../testing_guide/index.md) that all pass
on the CI server.
- Peer member testing is optional but recommended when the risk of a change is high.
This includes when the changes are [far-reaching](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/#reducing-the-impact-of-far-reaching-work)
or are for [components critical for security](../code_review.md#security).
- Description includes any steps or setup required to ensure reviewers can view the changes you've made (for example, include any information about feature flags).
- Regressions and bugs are covered with tests that reduce the risk of the issue happening
- For tests that use Capybara, read
[how to write reliable, asynchronous integration tests](https://thoughtbot.com/blog/write-reliable-asynchronous-integration-tests-with-capybara).