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Commit 457228c4 authored by Stan Hu's avatar Stan Hu
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Merge branch 'aqualls-okr-autodevops' into 'master'

Update Auto DevOps UI text for style guidelines

See merge request !50398
parents 232790a7 09d38207
No related branches found
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3 merge requests!51142Merge branch '289925-subscription-expiration-banner-not-dismissable' into 'master',!50758Revert "Remove 'premium' declaration from Deploy Boards",!50398Update Auto DevOps UI text for style guidelines
Pipeline #233985771 passed with warnings
......@@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
%strong= s_('GroupSettings|Default to Auto DevOps pipeline for all projects within this group')
%span.badge.badge-info#auto-devops-badge= badge_for_auto_devops_scope(group)
= s_('GroupSettings|The Auto DevOps pipeline will run if no alternative CI configuration file is found.')
= link_to _('More information'), help_page_path('topics/autodevops/'), target: '_blank'
= s_('GroupSettings|The Auto DevOps pipeline runs if no alternative CI configuration file is found.')
= link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('topics/autodevops/'), target: '_blank'
= f.submit _('Save changes'), class: 'btn btn-success gl-mt-5'
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
- quickstart_url = help_page_path('topics/autodevops/quick_start_guide')
- auto_devops_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: auto_devops_url }
- quickstart_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: quickstart_url }
= s_('AutoDevOps|Auto DevOps can automatically build, test, and deploy applications based on predefined continuous integration and delivery configuration. %{auto_devops_start}Learn more about Auto DevOps%{auto_devops_end} or use our %{quickstart_start}quick start guide%{quickstart_end} to get started right away.').html_safe % { auto_devops_start: auto_devops_start, auto_devops_end: '</a>'.html_safe, quickstart_start: quickstart_start, quickstart_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
= s_('AutoDevOps|%{auto_devops_start}Automate building, testing, and deploying%{auto_devops_end} your applications based on your continuous integration and delivery configuration. %{quickstart_start}How do I get started?%{quickstart_end}').html_safe % { auto_devops_start: auto_devops_start, auto_devops_end: '</a>'.html_safe, quickstart_start: quickstart_start, quickstart_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
= render 'groups/settings/ci_cd/auto_devops_form', group: @group
......@@ -25,15 +25,15 @@
- if auto_devops_enabled
%span.badge.badge-info.js-instance-default-badge= badge_for_auto_devops_scope(@project)
= s_('CICD|The Auto DevOps pipeline will run if no alternative CI configuration file is found.')
= link_to _('More information'), help_page_path('topics/autodevops/'), target: '_blank'
= s_('CICD|The Auto DevOps pipeline runs if no alternative CI configuration file is found.')
= link_to _('Learn more.'), help_page_path('topics/autodevops/'), target: '_blank'
.card-footer.js-extra-settings{ class: auto_devops_enabled || 'hidden' }
- if @project.all_clusters.empty?
= s_('CICD|Add a %{kubernetes_cluster_link_start}Kubernetes cluster integration%{link_end} with a domain or create an AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET CI variable.').html_safe % { kubernetes_cluster_link_start: kubernetes_cluster_link_start, link_end: link_end }
= s_('CICD|Add a %{kubernetes_cluster_link_start}Kubernetes cluster integration%{link_end} with a domain, or create an AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET CI variable.').html_safe % { kubernetes_cluster_link_start: kubernetes_cluster_link_start, link_end: link_end }
- elsif !has_base_domain
= s_('CICD|You must add a %{base_domain_link_start}base domain%{link_end} to your %{kubernetes_cluster_link_start}Kubernetes cluster%{link_end} in order for your deployment strategy to work.').html_safe % { base_domain_link_start: base_domain_link_start, kubernetes_cluster_link_start: kubernetes_cluster_link_start, link_end: link_end }
= s_('CICD|Add a %{base_domain_link_start}base domain%{link_end} to your %{kubernetes_cluster_link_start}Kubernetes cluster%{link_end} for your deployment strategy to work.').html_safe % { base_domain_link_start: base_domain_link_start, kubernetes_cluster_link_start: kubernetes_cluster_link_start, link_end: link_end }
%strong= s_('CICD|Deployment strategy')
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- quickstart_url = help_page_path('topics/autodevops/quick_start_guide')
- auto_devops_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: auto_devops_url }
- quickstart_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: quickstart_url }
= s_('AutoDevOps|Auto DevOps can automatically build, test, and deploy applications based on predefined continuous integration and delivery configuration. %{auto_devops_start}Learn more about Auto DevOps%{auto_devops_end} or use our %{quickstart_start}quick start guide%{quickstart_end} to get started right away.').html_safe % { auto_devops_start: auto_devops_start, auto_devops_end: '</a>'.html_safe, quickstart_start: quickstart_start, quickstart_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
= s_('AutoDevOps|%{auto_devops_start}Automate building, testing, and deploying%{auto_devops_end} your applications based on your continuous integration and delivery configuration. %{quickstart_start}How do I get started?%{quickstart_end}').html_safe % { auto_devops_start: auto_devops_start, auto_devops_end: '</a>'.html_safe, quickstart_start: quickstart_start, quickstart_end: '</a>'.html_safe }
= render 'autodevops_form', auto_devops_enabled: @project.auto_devops_enabled?
title: Update Auto DevOps UI text to match style guidelines
merge_request: 50398
author: Amy Qualls @aqualls
type: other
......@@ -4160,10 +4160,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Auto-close referenced issues on default branch"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoDevOps|Auto DevOps"
msgid "AutoDevOps|%{auto_devops_start}Automate building, testing, and deploying%{auto_devops_end} your applications based on your continuous integration and delivery configuration. %{quickstart_start}How do I get started?%{quickstart_end}"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoDevOps|Auto DevOps can automatically build, test, and deploy applications based on predefined continuous integration and delivery configuration. %{auto_devops_start}Learn more about Auto DevOps%{auto_devops_end} or use our %{quickstart_start}quick start guide%{quickstart_end} to get started right away."
msgid "AutoDevOps|Auto DevOps"
msgstr ""
msgid "AutoDevOps|Auto DevOps documentation"
......@@ -4930,7 +4930,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CI/CD settings"
msgstr ""
msgid "CICD|Add a %{kubernetes_cluster_link_start}Kubernetes cluster integration%{link_end} with a domain or create an AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET CI variable."
msgid "CICD|Add a %{base_domain_link_start}base domain%{link_end} to your %{kubernetes_cluster_link_start}Kubernetes cluster%{link_end} for your deployment strategy to work."
msgstr ""
msgid "CICD|Add a %{kubernetes_cluster_link_start}Kubernetes cluster integration%{link_end} with a domain, or create an AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET CI variable."
msgstr ""
msgid "CICD|Auto DevOps"
......@@ -4957,10 +4960,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "CICD|Jobs"
msgstr ""
msgid "CICD|The Auto DevOps pipeline will run if no alternative CI configuration file is found."
msgid "CICD|The Auto DevOps pipeline runs if no alternative CI configuration file is found."
msgstr ""
msgid "CICD|You must add a %{base_domain_link_start}base domain%{link_end} to your %{kubernetes_cluster_link_start}Kubernetes cluster%{link_end} in order for your deployment strategy to work."
msgid "CICD|The Auto DevOps pipeline will run if no alternative CI configuration file is found."
msgstr ""
msgid "CICD|group enabled"
......@@ -13913,7 +13916,7 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "GroupSettings|Select a sub-group as the custom project template source for this group."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupSettings|The Auto DevOps pipeline will run if no alternative CI configuration file is found."
msgid "GroupSettings|The Auto DevOps pipeline runs if no alternative CI configuration file is found."
msgstr ""
msgid "GroupSettings|There was a problem updating Auto DevOps pipeline: %{error_messages}."
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
it 'shows a warning message about Kubernetes cluster' do
expect(rendered).to have_text('Add a Kubernetes cluster integration with a domain or create an AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET CI variable')
expect(rendered).to have_text('Add a Kubernetes cluster integration with a domain, or create an AUTO_DEVOPS_PLATFORM_TARGET CI variable.')
context 'when the project has an available kubernetes cluster' do
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
it 'shows a warning message about base domain' do
expect(rendered).to have_text('You must add a base domain to your Kubernetes cluster in order for your deployment strategy to work.')
expect(rendered).to have_text('Add a base domain to your Kubernetes cluster for your deployment strategy to work.')
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